Airport CEO Alpha 0.21.12 released

Cancelled flights and annoying passengers are no more.

Get down with 0.21.12 now!


Thanks! now I’ll get back and build terminal 2


Thanks for another update! Can you please look into this:

Just filed a bug report, people have started walking through the walls.

Will have a look at it tomorrow!

I noticed that this is only happening within the secure zone. The passengers don’t seem to notice that there are any walls within the zone.

Out of interest as I like to know what is happening in the background,

can you share what caused flights to be cancelled?
From what I noticed from my own airport it was fine with landing 1 medium plane and 1 small plane but didnt like it when either 2 medium or 2 small planes had to land.

so in short, what caused cancellations suddenly to appear

My airport had that once, when a Stand-door, had no security zone marker on it.

Nice work, thx! :slight_smile:

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You are the best! Keep up the fantastic work! I think that this game is one of the finest examples of how early access should be :slight_smile: