Airport CEO Alpha 25.5 released

Devs said a patch would be out later to sort this. Happens on mine too but wait for the patch and see what happens then.


Not having a holding point would definitely make things more confusing than less confusing. I would make sure there is one at every entry point to the runway. (Might still be a bug but you should check and see)

I looked at his downloads, something was def not right with the planes. I tried switching things around a little bit too. Glad it was bug reported.

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Just encountered the no fly out bug.

I do wonder if it is because of the orientation of the taxi way. My taxi ways are 90º to the runway as opposed to straight one. I’ve not had one problem all day?

I’m not saying one way of building is better than the other, something that should be looked at at any rate me thinks?

Lets test that.

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Are both set to departure?

Yes, they are.

How many stands do you have?

30 medium ones.

About jantors; dont know, lets reboot and check up on them, was just booting up the airport, did build it completely first, was testing the first wing now.

See my 10 metro entrances? :stuck_out_tongue: - have 1 bus stop.

Game reloading with new sideway approach - loading takes a while.

Even with 30 I’d suggest one would be enough??? My current build has 18, there is a queue at busy times, such as just before and after midnight as I cannot allocate flights across the boundary. I’m surprised one is not enough?

PS Yes I’ve built with two landing and two departing runways too.
PPS Ouch I can imagine lots of waiting planes for the taxiways to clear?
PPPS Do janitors cross the walkways? Mine didn’t :frowning:
PPPPS hence going with my circle design, though I’m now stuck. ugh.

  • Removed runways
  • Reloaded game
  • Airplanes took off
  • Rebuild the airways with a 90 degree turn on the runway, tested them in “both” mode and they are leaving again.
  • Planes departing @ both leave runways now too.

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Just wondering how many foundation squares are your stand wings and the main check-in area

A double wing is 13 width. The small ones are 6 and 7 width.

60 check-in desks. 5.5 deep.

For some reason when deleting runways some of the ground doesn’t go back to grass but remains in a block of beige ish colour, I have tried restarting the game and the same thing happens again. I know this is only aesthetics but would be nice if it is fixed.

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It will go back to grass. The process just takes time. There are times, it does not. A save and reload will sort that though.


We’re investigating the issue with stuck aircrafts on the runway, so thanks for those reports and any other additional reports we can get on this issue!

New hot fix coming in an hour or so, just want to mention as previous that we currently have limited access and cannot answer questions as frequently as before. Should be back to normal during Wednesday to Friday! :slight_smile:


Did not send in my case yet, give a shout and I bugreport / email it.

I had a look at your saves. The first one has a bug, which we now have fixed and will be deployed soon. The other one is a bit more tricky, you are missing a taxiway piece (press T to visualize). This forces the aircraft on the right side to use the runway as a taxiway path, leading to a deadlock on the other end. I don’t have a solution right now for this but if you fix the taxiway and use F10 (reset aircraft path) the airport operation should be back to normal.

Aaaaaaaaand here’s 25.5-2:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 25.5-2


  • [ACEO-3411] - Persons who get lost due to rezoning do not update their security clearance status correctly resulting in becoming stuck and unable to again pass security
  • [ACEO-3756] - Occupation point fetching error causes passengers to be unable to interact with desks in food and shop rooms
  • [ACEO-3758] - Poor thread cancellation handling when loading main menu or quitting game from in-game world causes the game to crash
  • [ACEO-3762] - Aircraft can get stuck in rare occasions when taxiway connects via side to runway
  • [ACEO-3765] - Minor queue occupation issue on metal detector passage point causing persons to not respect one-at-a-time principle
  • [ACEO-3766] - Excessive post-desk interaction relocation method in tightly built room areas can cause persons to abort their eating or shopping activity