Airport CEO Alpha 28.4 released

Hi ever since the update my service vehicles have been drive the whole length of my roads going round in circles causing delays. Is this a known bug???

Scenic drives. Don’t you PAX pay extra for that?

Will be great, if we’ll can to use any free boarding desk in terminal for remote stands. For example:
We have a boarding desk for gate stand near terminal, but when stand for gate is free, passengers will be use this desk for boarding to a/c on remote stand.

Cost for transfer must be in passenger fees) So, they shouldn’t pay for it.

same issue here. remote is broken like that unfortunately.

Sooo… are small stands supposed to be able to be remote stands? Couldn’t try medium for now, but small ones have huge issues with service cars. Might this be a reason?

Sooo… are small stands supposed to be able to be remote stands? Couldn’t try medium for now, but small ones have huge issues with service cars.

Yes small stands can also be remote stands. The service car bug is general and devs said they will ifx it in the next week.

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Started a new game for 28.1-4 and first of all, awesome job guys! Really love the new features and the extra options we now have with remote stands and directive taxiways! Amongst the above, found some (minor) other things:

When a runway is build and you update the runway the selection field is moved along with the enlargement of the runway. Save & reload (S&R) brings the ‘green’ area back to where it belongs over the runway location.


Colour for all the three new entrance/exit are off compared to the asphalt tarmac of the runway and the taxiways.

Maybe because the stands were build before a S&R so the earlier mentioned runway selection area was not in the correct place, but it’s a bit strange that you are able to built stands/buildings/etc on the runway top/bottom approach route.

I believe this has always been the case - something to do with space checks only being done on the actual runway itself and not the approaches.

Not sure how the devs can fix it…

Great update!
On my opinion default stands should be able to upgrade to add a jetway and not to remove the jetway. Also the option should be reverseable?


It is reversible. Until you attach a stand.

since i upgraded the game to this version… some of my service vehicules cand’t reach to their job sites… Fuel trucks… services trucks… the new services cars for the ramps agents… randomly…

BUT… I LIKE A LOT the new stuff!!!

… it’s a bit strange that you are able to built stands/buildings/etc on the runway top/bottom approach route.

I’d say this one actually makes sense. Airports often seem to have roads and stuff cutting through the approach route.

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Great addition.

However, can I suggest a little room for improvement?

Can we have two stairs at the stand if there are 2 locations passengers can walk to the plane?

Also, maybe more buses for bigger planes - somehow I don’t think we can fit 110 into 1 bus.

Good job so far though. Love it.

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I wondered about the bus PAX capacity too. Having researched what LAX does, they get over 130 PAX per bus without luggage, over 120 with. I think that’s what I read.

I’ll dig out the sauce as well to be more accurate.

Did a quick search, guess you’re talking about NABI 60BRT busses used at the LAX airfield? These are articulated busses.

Comparing regular busses to their bus stops ingame, I don’t think articulated busses would fit into an bus stop ingame. While articulated busses would be cool to be seen ingame, we’ll need larger bus stops then. :slight_smile:

Or (as I’ve seen a discussion about scaling for aircrafts telling that there are different scales for vehicles and aircrafts) we may simply need a more appropiate scaling of vehicles and aircrafts.

Or we just ignore the design of these busses and simply go with a standard modell with higher capacity.

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Maybe it would be nice to have some small busses for the small stands.

New update will be rolled out shortly (Alpha 28.1-5, expect it in 20 minutes) with a few fixes but not as many as we wanted since we had a lot of organizational stuff today. Will get back to you with an updated changelog later tonight and then we have more fixes to come for the rest of the week. Will also comment on your suggestions later!


Due to some clever zoning you might like how pax don’t bump in to each other while getting on and off busses :kissing:


Clever, I like this!