Airport CEO helper tool

Ok guys I made a simple helper tool that calculates amount of stuff to be built/hired/bought based on the number of stands and other inputs.

Its pretty basic. But the calculations need verification. Also it would be good if we could keep adding to the tool to help beginners.
How to help:

  • Make a copy of the sheet.
  • Improve it, make it better.
  • Share it here. (Use Edit link since most part of the sheet is protected).
  • Also make sure to add your name to the credits sheet.

Again, I need verification on the calculations

Awesome! I’ll give it a try and let you know if I see anything off.

There’s 2 things in the calculator which are slightly confusing me or which might need to be tweaked.
First thing is the amount of ramp agents you need according to the calculator. I’m currently running an airport with 9 medium stands and 3 baggage bays. According to the calculator I should need 54 ramp agents.
9 stands x 4 ramp agents for the service round = 36 total
3 baggage bays x 8 agents per side max = 48 total

36 + 48 = 84

So I guess you’re not calculating the baggage bays with the max amount of RAs which is fine but threw me off a bit.

Up next would be the fuel trucks. According to the calculator with my airport stats it’s 5 trucks I need. I guess that’s totally fine if you got a somewhat lean flight schedule but I run mine tight and with 9 birds coming in almost at the same time it’s gonna cause me some serious delays if they happen to all request a refuel.

Please don’t take this as massive criticism, I really like the idea and the effort you’ve put into this. It just needs a bit more tweaking imho.

Edit: Fixed math

Ive never run with more than 2 fuel trucks no matter how many planes requesting fuel, it just doesn’t take long and the truck goes from plane to plane.

I just have my airport set up to max capacity / efficiency when it comes to operations

I get you. Fuel is usually not requested (ever) by all flights together and it is actually a fast process. So a small amount of trucks can fill a large amount of stands very fast.

Ramp agents: I agree. My original version of calculations actually gave the required ramp agents exactly like you suggested. But then I discussed on Discord and realised that the airports don’t require that huge numbers.

I am currently building an airport according to the tool and will test it, will edit the formulas accordingly.

One thing to factor in might be the number of GA-only ramps since they don’t impact boarding desks, etc, but do impact fuel trucks and ramp services.

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will look into it

I’ve got 14 medium stands with fuel/baggage/service round and don’t need anywhere near these numbers.

I’m guessing this is based on four commercial flights per stand, per day? Might want to allow for other frequencies, as no stand will be in use continuously IRL. What about food or shops? Janitorial staff need some calculation as well.

No small security, which takes 1 per (try inputting one medium flight and see how much security it recommends),

A lot of essential variables not accounted for to make this useful yet, but it’s a good start.

Janitorial staff I guess can be calculated if the user provides total approximate surface area of his terminal. I will try to come up with a better solution.

And thanks. I will work on your suggestions. And if any of you are jobless (like me), make a copy of it and make it better. And post it here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice tool! I currently have a small airport with 4 small stands and 1 medium stand. The tool is telling me that I should have 1 security stand, but I need at least 2 and have currently 3 security stands (when planning flights ‘together’ with a few minutes delay every time)

Well, I’m a bit late (only 20 days or so) but I have improved the tool…or, at least tried to! :slight_smile:


-General Aviation added
-Flights per day input added
-More complex calculations added
-More complex staff panel added
-Statistics panel added

Please feel free to play around with it, make copies and edit it, post new versions, comment improvements and do anything with it (as long as you don’t break the public version :wink:)!

I hope it helps! :slight_smile:

It won’t let me edit the “flights per day” fields, says they are [protected. Apart from that, great looking tool :slight_smile:

AFAIK you need to create a copy of that to your own Drive.

Sorry! :open_mouth:
I used the protected range from the previous version, so it won’t have extended…
I’ll fix it at once! :slight_smile: