Airport CEO Newsletter Revived

@ATCT fortune

:crystal_ball: My reply is no


@ATCT quote

:left_speech_bubble: The best way out is always through. — Robert Frost

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@ATCT fortune
@ATCT quote

:left_speech_bubble: I have done my best: that is about all the philosophy of living one needs. — Lin-yutang

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where the *** is my quote @ATCT fortune

:left_speech_bubble: Passion creates the desire for more and action fuelled by passion creates a future. — Byron Pulsifer

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@ATCT fortune

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

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@ATCT fortune

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

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Don’t forget that you can also private message the bot instead of making tons of posts here… :wink:


We have a couple of thousand letters to send out and our service provider has a limit of number of emails we can send per hour. This is so that our IP does not get banned. You should expect it soon.


@ATCT quote

:left_speech_bubble: I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. — Lucille Ball

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@ATCT fortune

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

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@ATCT must not like me :cry:

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @ATCT display help.

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