Airport efficiency indicators

Feature request title:

Airport efficiency indicators.


  1. Indicator of net profit per 1 passenger per day / year. Best value and current.
  2. Indicator of net profit per 1 flight per day / year. Best value and current.

I propose to add indicators in text form, in dashboard, or to free space, or instead of the right screen with a chart, which (I will not write for everyone) I personally do not pay attention to, because it duplicates the graph from the statistics section, and is inconvenient in a dashboard in a small window.

Why it should be implemented:

Someone is building a large airport, someone is profitable, someone is modeled on a real airport, or so on, but we do not understand how efficient the airport is.

Images, references or additional content:

I would like to see a profit margin % it would be a good measure of efficiency. A larger airport naturally will make more profit but the true measure is how that compares to cost :wink: could be a row on the finance page in menu

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