Airport CEO Alpha 25.4 released

Wait for the game to load completely, then the staff will return too most probably.

maybe it’s because the subway station is inside?

Define “load completely”. It’s been running now for 10 minutes. How much longer before “completely”??

Inside/Outside is irrelevant. Subway is on ground squares.

For such big airports, (I have the same), I takes a long time to normalize; just see the queue going down in time, contracts populating, etc…

Secondary; I cannot click an information desk atm.

My queue count was falling, now rising.

Then there’s this…

Build decent toilet blocks next time :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s because of the queueing of the pathfinder, let it calm down and they will dissipate again.


jasper, these restrooms were working fine before the update.


One thing I do when building really large airports and knowing that loading and saving can cause (lets use the words “concerns for the PAX”) I build in the flight planner a three/four hour period where I have no planes scheduled. This gives time for all departing pax to leave and ensures there are non arriving. This way I know those pesky PAX won’t cause any issues with the load/store processes :thinking:

This is why I never unlock nightlights.

Can we get a “validate now” button on cargo bays? I just did add a tilt tray in the route to the cargo bay, and all baggage is arriving just fine, but the symbol stays around for ages.

Someone must have served some out of date food


You too can walk through walls by following this one simple trick, David Copperfield has brought along his magical friends and they all walk through walls. :grin: Yes you too can walk through walls and ignore the security exit. Anyone else getting David in their builds?



All critical bugs I noticed before are gone now, at least for me. However from time to time I notice, that the game “forgets” the graphic settings and changes resolution and details to maximum, which is to much for my system. However I can’t really reproduce, might also be a problem with Unity, as I have another game with a similar behavior. I will try to get more infos on this and maybe try to reproduce, to properly report a bug.

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Oh, does anyone else not be able to remove foundation bulldozer? Also, why in the middle of rest rooms is pathfinding an issue?

Maybe a janitor is trying to get there because of a dirty floor tile.

In the wall? That is not apart of the room? Thank you for your suggestion though. I’ll delete the rooms and sign them again.

Thanks for the reports, weird movements (walking through walls…) and other strange inexplicable passenger behavior is caused by the new exception handling system. Will have a look at your reports tomorrow and see if I can squeeze in another hot fix before we start swapping path finding systems. :slight_smile:


Good will hunting, oh wait, good bug hunting. :grinning:

hey devs, i noticed that the number of people getting stuck on the paths outside the subway has become a lot lesser.

my passengers just stop outside the subway for one second(real life time) and then they continue on to the airport. Before, my passengers used to stop outside the subway for quite a long time and then they move and thus causing delays in my airport.

I really appreciate the effort and keep up the good work :smiley:

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Maybe these kind of passengers can do a “queue” request from inside the station and come out when they are processed by the queue.

Everyone is stuck after updates Need help