Atom Air - Sky high luxury since 1952

Airline Design Contest Submission

Airline Name: Atom Air

Airline Description: Atom Air is a luxury commercial airline from The United States of America. The airline was founded in 1952 in New York City and has caught attention by Hollywood’s biggest stars because of it’s luxury. The CEO had a bright vision of the future of Atom Air as he wanted it to be a luxury airline that ran on full nuclear power that could bring you from New York to London in just 3 hours. Atom Air never got the chance to fly on nuclear power but it did grow to be one of the biggest airline of the world. Atom Air is known by it’s designer luxury interior, quality food, great comfort and friendly staff. However, Atom Air is also known by the mysterious disappearing of planes around the Bermuda Triangle between 1954 and 1956. Despite the conspiracy theories around Atom Air, the airline still achieved to be one of the biggest airline of the world with a high customer rating. No matter if you fly economy or first class, flying with Atom Air means flying in sky high luxury!

Airline CEO Name: Costa

Airline Design Image:


Love how you placed the airline name on the back part just above windows.

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I really love that logo design. Good luck in the contest!

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This is easily one of my favorites. Clear design with realistic markings that still look aesthetically pleasing from overhead. Well done

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Looks good! Small note: when on a vehicle, the US flag should always be painted with the union in the direction of travel, so the flag on the starboard side should be “reversed,” with the union to the right and the stripes to the left.


Nice design but I think American flag and “American Airlines” writing on logo may cause problem. First of all it can cause trouble with actual AA. Secondly in game airlines fly from anywhere to everywhere so a flight from Mother Russia to Saudi Arabia with American flagged airline wouldn’t seem realistic.

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Yes good one! But i dont see any problem with “american airlines” since i used it to make clear its an american airline.

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Nice to know! Never noticed it untill now :smiley:

Congratulation on the beautiful design. If they do not implement it in this game you should send it to Bethesda for the Fallout Series. I hope you add it to the Steam Workshop, when it is implemented.

Thanks so much! Glad you like it.

Thanks all for voting! We made it to the top 25. Now I just need a little more votes to get to in the top 10. By the time of posting this we are at the 11th place! :star_struck:

Vote Atom Air :+1:t3:

Right now, Atom Air is 12 th not 11 th :frowning:

Aah well atom air needs even more votes now :weary::raised_hands:t3:

Atom Air didnt make it in the top 10 but I want to thank everybody who voted for Atom Air! it ended up on the 12th place and im happy so many liked the design and concept of the airline. :slight_smile: thanks for voting all!