Baggage belt blocking tool

Hello community!
I don’t take know got to caption the title, but I’ve got the idea that it would be cool to have a baggage belt blocking tool. If it existed, you would have ability to block one of 4 directions what baggage belt would connect to. It could for example, mark it with black stripes. I don’t really know if it would help, so post your opinions down below :point_down:

I don’t really understand what you mean or what’s the sense of such an blocking tool …

I don’t really understand the purpose of this. You can already set the directions on a tilt tray, or am I missing something?

Instead of building a conveyor belt and then blocking it, wouln’t it be better if you didn’t build it at all?
Please do elaborate on what you wish to convey. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry, I was doing some tests during withing this and I didn’t realize that it’s not necessary and it would only slow down building process, I’m sorry. I only thought that it would prevent baggage belts from turning to another belts touching then.

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You want a buffer between two adjacent belts to prevent them from merging.

Is this what you meant?

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So you don’t want two parallel belts to acidentally merge with each other?

If you built them carefully, you can do this already. But there are some situations, where it’s hard to avoid. A solution would be to connect belts only in the direction, they have been built. Without automatically doing a turn, if they point into another direction.

But some people may find this not user friendly, if they have to care themselves how to connect a turn.

@ilios21 @Seraphin Yeah, I did some research on it building an airport and it indeed wouldn’t really be needed.

@Olof @Fredrik How about a switch to turn auto alignment of baggage belts on and off, so that parallel baggage belts just next to each other can be built easier without accidential merging?


This would be good to see. Personally, I do believe it could help save space ( and hence, money) in cases.

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Oh yeah, it would be a way better solution.

Reviving because I have a way to use this, for the times that you remove belts you can block that belt way while you build a new path so bags don’t fall off and despawn

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