Baggage - Fines but no apparent issues/failures?


I’ve used this same layout for baggage for months (real world) and no issues but I’m now getting multiple failure fines each day in only certain airports. The baggage system in this airport is complex but all departure baggage does filter through this zone directly below a security staff room. I’ve checked and there is no issue with staff reaching the scanner in time.

Any suggestions?

ACEO-37086 reported too to allow any investigation if needed

Thanks :slight_smile:

From my experience there is a small amount of “false negative” baggage that passes through detector 1.
Therefore I have a second screening line behind the green exit of the first detector.

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Yeah, I think having 2 level three scanners is just the best solution to any baggage problem like this.

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How is the person managing the scanner feeling? Are they well trained?

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