Baggage view

Baggage view

There is a toggle to view the baggage belts as an overlay

Is it possible to view the passenger bags moving around the belts with green dots as an overlay button,

Instead of having to click the cargo bays indivually ?


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There is a toggle to view the baggage belts as an overlay?

Yes, there is a layers thingy in the menu section;

Is it possible to view the passenger bags moving around the belts with green dots as an overlay button?

No. Click the baggage destination to see related baggage.

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I know about the baggage toggle but only shows baggage belts not the actually bags moving in green circle

How do you mean click on baggage destination?

I wanna see all bags on the move in the airport.

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Ah, that is not possible (yet).

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It’ll work on overground baggage belts if you zoom in close enough - but the bags move fast to difficult to see. Worse still if you have a large/busy airport with lots of nodes, but still possible to see them moving.

Yeah that’s the problem I don’t want to Zoom in, I like enjoying them from a zoomed out perspective. Find it calming watching them lol


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