Belt loaders not being used

So I bought some belt loaders because my airport needs them, but they won’t do there jobs, any help?

Did you get the correct size? There are 2 sizes of belt loader because they only dont work on all planes. The different is medium belt loader takes bags one by one and the large belt loader takes uld’s wich only work on large planes. Small planes don’t get belt loaders at all.


I’m pretty sure I have the small loaders.

and the size of plane you are using?

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as he said small aircraft dont need any belt loaders. meduim aircraft need the one by one belt truck. large need ULD loaders

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I have small loaders for medium stands.

Which icon on in the procurement tab did you use?

Can you explain?

I think he means what vehicles did you buy

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Yeah this is a bit unclear in Alpha 33, should be more apparent in Alpha 34. Small belt loader trucks only cater to medium aircraft, while large belt loader trucks (ULD loaders) cater to large aircraft. Small aircraft are not supported by belt loader trucks.

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How about renaming them to uld loaders? Sounds like the simplest solution.

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We’re a bit hesitant regarding that, it’s easier to communicate “large aircraft requires large belt loader” than “large aircraft requires ULD loader”.


I think I have the small loaders for Medium planes. :man_shrugging:

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