Bienvenue à Nouméa

My latest airport finished on Alpha 34. Its a 3/4 Terminal Airport:

  1. Terminal S (left): 5 small stands
  2. Terminal D (middle): 8 remote stands, 2 large, 6 medium
  3. Terminal A/B (right):
    A (Bottom): 6 medium gates
    B (Top): 3 medium gates, 2 large gates
    +5 GA gates
    Operation has deteriorated lately with walking paths for employees simply too long and no way yet to actually make terminals (Can’t wait for Alpha 35 :wink:), but it’s still okay and (personal opinions) looks gorgeous.

The view from above

First floor, boarding for Terminals A/B and access to the bus station at Terminal D

Ground floor, baggage claim for A/B and Check in for all Terminals

Terminal S for small planes

Bus Boarding at Terminal D

and Security and Baggage claim for Terminal D on the first floor.


Nice build.

Excellent build. Welcome to the forum @Singapuu.