Blueprints of Terminals

Hello I searched the forum but couldn’t find anything to do with this. Anyway here’s my idea/question. Will there be blueprints of let’s say terminals for those people to lazy to build it themselves E.G? Me :smiley: Or at least will the be an option of having blueprints of terminals from the steam workshop? I personally feel that you should add blueprints of buildings however it won’t bother me too much. Anyway keep up the good work Devs.


Well done searching before posting and I think this have not been brought up before. I think that a blueprint for a whole terminal is a bit too much. Still, I can see a use for pre-made bathrooms, cafes and other parts of the terminal. The possibility to upload and download blueprints from the Steam workshop seems nice. :slight_smile:


Personally i really like this Idea. Maybe take the factorio way of blueprints as a basis since that really works well and also implements the most important blueprints i think (small repeatable locations like gates bathrooms ect)


Or with the steam workshop integration of planet Coaster.


Do you mean like sharing airports on steam? So if someone builds a really cool airport, they can share it and others manage it? If so, this has been discussed a long time ago but it’s good you brought it back up. :wink:

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yeah, and blueprints as mentioned above.

Premade Airports could be downloaded from Steam Workshop.

But this gives me another question.
Will we have premade structures such as Washrooms, Staff room, Shops, Baggage management area, etc. In early access??

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I like the idea of rooms instead of terminals. If anyone remembers playing Airport Inc there was a feature which you could build terminals pre made. I personally used it a lot however I wouldn’t mind if maybe blueprints of rooms too

I would actually ONLY want multiple blueprints of rooms. Some 4-5 Blueprints of Airport could be included into the game but the rest would be made by the community and downloaded.

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