Contractors built anymore

Hi why my contractors didn’t build anymore , they get stuck , and when they take box , they drop it down without trying to pick up it

Does your terminal have any doors?

It’s probably because your contractors can’t find an entrance to the big terminal building

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yeah i’ve so many doors … but only at certains place , not all in the terminal …

yeah i’ve so many doors … but only at certains place , not all in the terminal …

Can you show your whole airport with wide angle screenshot with areas enabled?

Global wiew of my terminal ( the worst one )

upload://gJR5x92bE3LVP3jB6agpQqoVltG.png) [En cours de transfert : Desktop Screenshot 2018.10.23 -
The areas bagage claim need constructions……]()
All contractors getting stuck

Have you tried sending them away to replace them with new workers?

You can disable building from the f10 menu if your contractors still aren’t working. You should probably file a bug report🤔

Also is the area they are building in secure or non-secure. Make sure they can exit and enter secure zones freely. :thinking:

construction workers ignore zoning.

yeah but it’s the same issue

Hmm, I would probably have to check the save but I think that there’s some specific object that they’re all trying to build and can’t reach… perhap a specific piece of conveyor belt under a specific piece of wall?

i think that my save in again break.