Departing Passengers get lost

Whenever departing passengers go through security they get lost straight away and don’t know where to go here’s what happens

The lost passengers are in the bottom right hand corner

Could you please share a screenshot of your airport with secure zone enabled


Seems like you’ve probably forgotten to zone a specific area, I’d recommend taking a proper screenshot of the entire airport.

Here you go.

Hmm… looks correct. What game version is this? We have a critical bug in the pipeline for secure areas that do not update in relation to walls being built across zones but that one can’t be affecting this…

Could it be related that the check in desks seem to be in a secure area?

It shouldn’t, once they’ve checked in they don’t care about any check-in desk.

It was bought via steam so the steam edition

Maybe having the security zones and exits too close together may cause issues?
I always keep both separated by walls and/Or on other sides of the terminal.
Might not be the issue, but worth trying?


you dont need to put secure zone in check in areas - just wipe them off - ONLY secure zones is near gates with secure exit and entry - secuirty exit and secuirty checks

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Latest default then. I think I need to take a look at this save, can you make a bug report and put the number here?

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The report number is ACEO-10036
(that’s what I can remember I lost it when I came here to write it)

EDIT: the passengers now go into the terminal but exit with arriving passengers

With the latest update? They might be very delayed passengers of automatically cancelled flights.

Passengers are now going to the seating but still won’t board their flight