Departure times and Taxi times

Departure time bug at: Airport CEO: Pre-Alpha Gameplay Video (Part 3) - YouTube

I am sure you guys will have it covered when you fine tune your ATC model, but I thought that I would point it out anyway.

The GA flight scheduled for departure at 0601 is still ‘Parked’ at 0557. We do not see it moving to the runway initially, but it seems like the 0601 take off flight only leaves its stand at 0601.

Ideally, there should be some calculation of approximate time taken by a flight to reach from its stand to the start of the runway, and it must leave early enough to reach the runway before the take off time.

Another point for airport CEOs would be the length of the taxiways. If they are longer, the plane takes more time to reach its stand and has to leave earlier to make it to the runway ahead of takeoff time. This reduces turn-around time and can cause delays.

Just for further information about departure times on bigger airports:

While GA traffic normally uses takeoff and landing times, commercial traffic uses gate departure and arrival times on their flight information and scheduling.

In order to make this as realistic as possible without adding too much confusion, i would suggest to adapt the gate to gate based time system for GA as well as commercial airlines. This might already be impemented here, so possibly not a bug at all.

Although a tooltip for clarification would help in this situation.

If you see a bug in the gameplay videos, please check the bug thread. Confirm it has not been reported yet and if not, report it :slight_smile:

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