Dev Blog 138: Internal testing of Alpha 33

Thanks much.

  1. Runway
    - Small → [5 x 75] | [600m]
    - Medium → [5 x 100] | [800m]
    - Large → [7 x 125/150] | [1000m/1200m]?

  2. Stand
    - Small → [5 x 7]
    - Medium → [10 x 10]
    - Large → [16 x 16]

  3. Runway Entry/Exit (Will they change with the width change of the Large Runway?)
    - Medium (Current is [5 x 4])
    - Large (New is [7 x 4]?)

Further possible evidence of the projected Large Runway configuration being correct?

  • Small Stand : Runway Width Ratio → 5:3 [1.666]
  • Medium Stand : Runway Width Ratio → 10:5 [2.000]
  • Large Stand : Runway Width Ratio (Projected) → 16:7 [2.286]

They might also have a small on/off ramp for small aircraft

Seems like most International Airports have their Stands accomodating all types of commercial aircraft?

So I suppose building an airport would have mainly Large Stands (Big Bird & Medium Aircrafts)?

With the Map Size, will a bigger Map be implemented in Alpha 33? This is to make up for the huge space occupied by the Stands and the inevitable 7-square-width Runways.

Bigger map size will not be in Alpha 33. But at a later date with the gameplay update (Alpha 34) or terminal update (Alpha 35).

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Yes because people will make airports so big it will take an hour to load

That’s me. I always fill up the map size. Then a new update with content arrives and have to restart again.

Quick question: Is the next dev blog this week or next week?

Um idk

The next dev blog is on Monday, nothing this week. We’re still working hard as usual and have deployed multiple updates on the internal branch. Have no definitive date set yet for experimental launch but here are the internal changelogs to keep you entertained:

  • Fixed an issue with small aircraft runway usage fee slider incorrectly resetting to default max value

  • Fxed an issue with delivery trucks type vehicles on load not correctly fetching their transit structures

  • Baggage trailers are now removed when parking on service vehicle parking lots

  • Reduced progress bar size for workers performing a job (green slider icon)

  • Adjusted positioning of large pushback truck parking space on large stand

  • Fixed an issue where multiple large pushback trucks and large belt loaders could be assigned the same job task

  • Fixed an issue which could cause boarding to end prematurely resulting in stranded and teleported passengers

  • Fixed an issue where persons boarding for a rear airside shuttle bus would traverse cross the stand and use the front stair truck resulting in a bunch of broken behavioral chains

  • Fixed a problem where a template folder’s non-existance would not be checked and could caused the game to not start

  • Improved turnaround behavior where airside shuttle buses and stair trucks cancel their ongoing job task if no passengers boarded an airside shuttle bus (interrupted boarding process or failed check-in)

  • Fixed an issue where template buttons were only accessible by searching for their name

  • Fixed an issue where passenger service agents would not cancel their boarding job tasks if no passengers had checked in

  • Fixed an issue where service cars who didn’t succeed in picking up ramp agents would go ahead with their job task anyway stranding other ramp agents

  • Fixed an issue which did not notify ramp agents who missed their ride to a remote stand that their services are not requested anymore

  • Fixed an issue with job task object null checking causing service technicians and franchise staff to immediately cancel their assigned job tasks

  • Enabled vehicles to intelligently try multiple road check points depending on their target destination

  • Vehicles now remember their entry check point for a smoother airport grounds area exit

  • Fixed an issue which could cause waste trucks to try to perform food delivery shipments to catering depots

  • Fixed an issue where passengers would stall after interaction with a shop counter

  • Improved passenger conveyor belt claim behavior to prevent excessive standing on conveyor belts

  • Fixed an issue where trailers would not be removed upon parking

  • Fixed an issue where trailers would not align in certain parking conditions

  • Fixed an issue where a procured small belt loader truck is deserialized as a large belt truck

  • Fixed an issue where trailers would not reset properly between ULD and non-ULD cart of switching between hauling baggage for a medium and large flight

  • Fixed an issue where bags would be displayed on top of an ULD loader

  • Fixed an issue where cargo unloading jobs were not prioritized which in cases where only a few service trucks were available could cause cargo transfer deadlocks

  • Fixed an issue where I cast a spell and fixed a relatively mild UI GameObject.Destroy() bug in vehicle object panel… I [Alexander] gained 10000XP from solving it!!!

  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain transportation vehicles not immediately leave the airport grounds if their initial attempt to go to a transit structure failed

  • Fixed an issue where the number of baggage trailers hauled by a service truck could duplicate for each new baggage transfer job task

  • Fixed an issue where airside shuttle buses would not fully commit to a park thus blocking aircraft deboarding on remote stands with aircraft that do not require stair trucks

  • Fixed an issue where some UI elements were duplicated in certain use cases

  • Fixed an issue where remote aircraft could become deadlocked during pushback due to not recognizing passenger transfer completion

  • Increased number of person car vehicles attempting to park at parking lots

  • Fixed an issue where a negative rotation value was fed into a vehicle’s directional calculation determination causing permanent “should break” behavior and slow driving

  • Fixed a management panel issue where initially “HIRE” was shown instead of “FIRE” in the hired staff panel

  • Fixed an issue where a vehicle state update method would not launch when a vehicle departs a parking object

  • Fixed an issue where trailers attached to vehicles parked on a non-job task object would reset its position on top of that vehicle

  • Fixed an issue where vehicle lights and audio would become visible despite being parked or if daylight is present

  • Fixed an issue where janitors would not perform floor cleaning job tasks

  • Fixed an issue where inverse transparency generation of human body fluid filth tiles resulted in fully transparent and thus non-visible tiles

  • Increased camera viewing distance before filth tiles are culled

  • Increased aircraft cabin cleaning speed by a factor of 10

  • Fixed an issue where current stored waste bags on aircraft could drop below 0


EPIC I can’t wait for dem BIG birdies

Also will multiple vehicle checkpoints that are not connected be alowed?

don’t know if you missed my question regarding runway lengths, etc… a few posts up. if you get a chance and can answer, that would be awesome so some of us can do some preplanning airport designs. Thanks!! @Olof

Thanks for the small update! Keep up the great work! :smiley:

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“Fixed an issue which could cause waste trucks to try to perform food delivery shipments to catering depots”

And this is why I would never eat airline food!


Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

With medium aircraft on large stands what about small planes on medium stands?


Any idea on when we will get big birds on experimental?

re-read this:

I laughed when I read that too! Lol

No set date

But based off of the internal testing speed, what is left to be tested, and dev blog on Monday

I’m going to guess either late this week or mid next week