Dev Blog 146: Restaurants and airline lounges

Ooh I wonder what?
A Lear jet perhaps?

Leonardo da Vinci’s first flying machine. :wink:


Meh… There is no pressure in asking… I am not going to go on strike if it doesn’t come lol


Hopefully from a nice hut somewhere deep in a forrest in Sweden, or have you ‘sneaked’ in the US just before the ban? :thinking:


Let’s just say I have a few interesting days ahead of me…


Since we are all going to be locked up in our houses sooner rather than later, you think you could release it a bit earlier.

Keep calm and stay at home.


I imagine they plan on releasing it when it is ready, releasing a broken, unplayable version would be rather pointless.

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this has a dark mode?!?

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Wow, I just changed it and I am blown away that I didn’t do so earlier :smiley:

Yeah. Go to your profile > Preferences > Interface.

I especially requested dark theme on forum from developers :smiley: Night version of forum?


It’s been so long! I took a giant break and I am back in the U.S. anyways, I was thinking about a solution to the alliance problem. I know I am very late to the party, but here goes.

With all the airlines that our wonderful modders spend time to mod, we can put all of these liveries into their perspective airline, but title them as Star Alliance. This tricks the ACEO game, (no offense) and we can still choose which airline flight we want to accept. Of corse because the list of flights to put in your flight planner may be endless we can make them individually, or put them as small packs. This way all we did was change the code to put all of these airlines into “Star Alliance” or an alliance, but we still have the airline liveries, and airline logos.

The only thing is, PLEASE make sure devs that we can put many airline, “alliances” into one group or name. I want to keep the isolation, (no pun intended) of these many airlines, but I also want to preserve the alliance their in. I think this is a pretty good idea to solve this problem. I know this is a horrible explanation, so maybe the modders could exstended my idea to make more sense. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :laughing: :laughing: :sweat_smile:

Great news about the inclusion of more restaurants. I was wondering if there would be additional shops added too? Struggling to fill all my rentable retail space in my airport!

Do you want 500 Starbucks in your airport? Then it’s totally realistic. :wink:

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@andyc I was thinking 600 to be fair!


184,920,367. Take it or leave it.

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Is that even physically possible? (Is there enough space on the map for that?)

They seem small enough :wink:


all 1 star Starbucks, you do have 5 floors to use

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Also, does everybody have the contract available for Valentino? I’ve had every restaurant contract spawn during gameplay, but never Valentino. Has it been removed from the game?

Not what I have seen. I have a Valentino at my airport right now.