DevLog 55: Continuing with BAe & AI Improvements

Hey hey hey!

If you’ve just checked out the update in the BAe thread I guess you’d be glad to find out that there’s two minor .gifs in this update. As well as the usual content of code blabbering!

Have a great week!


Love it!!!

Thanks for the update. Really enjoyed reading about the AI error handling. Something we take for granted, without realising the thought that has to go into it!

I’m looking forward to the gameplay video in the next few weeks!

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The little Honeywell engines. A lot of cute. haha :rolling_eyes: :heart_decoration: :airplane_departure:

Great to see it keep coming together! :slight_smile: The bus driver skills are top-notch, tho. Kudos. :smiley:

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The ending animations show what happens if you destroy the road in front of the vehicle… What happens if you destroy the road the vehicle is on? Will it sit on the grass/mud/sand/water/rock/otherSurfaceType indefinitely, until you rebuild the road? Or alternatively go to the nearest available road?
Will the vehicle attempt to rePathFind forever? Or will it eventually give up and try to path back to the depot or wherever unused vehicles go?
Also, although obviously a square, are you open to rounding the corners a little bit to be a tad more aesthetically pleasing?

Bae is certainly looking fine today! Keep up the good work!

I’ve actually mentioned having curves, and they said it COULD be done, but it wasn’t on the immediate list. It could have been a ‘click-n-place’ type piece, rather than a ‘drag-n-drop’ the way they are now.

I’m not talking about prefab curves, i’m talking about having it take up the same dimensions, just round the vertices. It’d take up the same space physically.