DevLog 67: A Deeper Look into Airlines and Franchises

An unusually early devlog today! Join us as we dive into the depths of the contract system…



Always a pleasure to read these every week!
I do like the sound of the Airline and Franchise contracts. Unfortunate to read about the Greenlight campaign, but glad to hear everyone is okay! :slight_smile:

Also…can’t believe there has been 67 DevLogs… we’ve come so far. :scream:


Finally the twitching stopped! Awesome dev log as usual, I do however much appreciate the in-depth view of the contracts system rather than the general overview.

I have to say I’m surprised by the depth and way of micromanaging simple things like rent and stock. It makes me curious of how deep all the major parts of the game will be!

Awesome work guys! Keep it up!


I love it, like always! Amazing job, of course!

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Part of being thorough in the development now means that we’ll be able to implement more advanced stuff in the future. I can definitely see us implementing simulated stock level for each franchise and then simulating morning deliveries to those franchises. It’s all doable and prepared for in the code, but we must take baby steps so that it all runs smoothly and plays well.

Me too… damn! Way too many without a build out for you to play around with, hope to change that soon enough.


@Olof If you don’t mind, who takes care of what in terms of the coding? Like, how does it all come together?

It seems that the idea of renting space to third-party hangars is technically possible in this system, am I right?

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I’ll be the wiki guy, everybody on steam can’t wait.

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My question is can’t you guys do a video over skype and have like a screen monitor so one can look at each other’s screen?

I ask myself that everyday… :smiley: … no but we both have pretty good insight into all systems. Albeit @Fredrik is the “owner” of the building systems while I’ve developed most parts of the agent simulation, passengers, employees, vehicles, stuff like that… but we like to iterate over each others code, break stuff, move stuff, improve stuff. Code has a habit of getting better each time you rewrite it and I’d say that if you’d compare the ACEO code base from one year ago with now, we have about 90 percent new code. We don’t use a git repository for that reason, we have a bit of a different perspective on version management I’d say compared to other developers. We do backup the code but only use the backups for reference, it’s almost always better to throw old stuff away and rewrite something from scratch.

Checked the stats and we’re currently at 96721 lines over 381 classes. We have major controlling classes for the economy and environment systems, as well as MVC patterns for all agents.

We can basically add any type of business we’d like into the contract system. Building hangars and renting out space I’d say is a planned feature down the road.

We can, but that takes a lot more time and is a lot more difficult. We live 10 minutes from each other so the issue isn’t distance, the issue is that this May is an insane month in regards to time management (I’m graduating, writing master thesis, doing a project for a company and moving out of my apartment right now… ACEO still has priority though! :D) . Will have a lot more time on our hands when summer comes.


I hope the game is released before summer!


Will the sales at stores be affected by the type of Airlines that use your airport? For example a 5 star business would not do very well if most of your airlines are budget airlines, and vice versa. 5 Star airlines would expect a certain level of amenities.

For stores do they require the exact dimensions in the contract? I can see this being difficult if I’ve designated a certain area for a store but it might not fit exactly the area I want it to go in. For example store would request a range between 100 M2 and 150 M2.

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This is only a small test domestic airport to check that everything is functioning correctly. I’m sure once ready for release there will be a restriction that requires duty free to be in the secure area.


LOL Dunkans :joy:

This is f******ing awesome. Please tell us, that we can negotiate the contracts. Great Praise so far!!! I can’t wait to play the game!

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Hey Olof,
I have a question about the required size of the stores: Would the Saras store also take a smaller store area of 91m2 (with a possible maximum size of the store being 149m2) or would they only want their store to be the exact size of 149m2?
Glad to here everyone in your family is ok again!
Keep up the good work! Can’t wait :slight_smile:

One of my favorite devlogs so far, it answered a lot of my questions about you-know-what. :grinning: :wink:

@Aircraft Indeed ACEO has come so far… I remember it was DevLog 15 or something when I first got my eye on ACEO and ever since I am following.
Honestly, astonishing how the #devs are so quick in developing this in their sparetime. :smiley:


First of all, you have all that on your plate and ACEO is the priority? Jeez, that’s dedication!


If the items aren’t completed then I’m not a fan of the ticks, even if they’re red (Poor red, green colourblindness). Maybe a nice loading bar type thing could suit?


Airline contracts looking great - I can’t wait to see a bit more about the details.

I think the business contracts look brilliant too. Exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for, and definitely a fan of micromanagement here. This is the kind of thing that gives the game longevity.

Looking forward to an imminent Greenlight!

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