Economy Reports by Airline & Modules

Economy Reports by Airline:

Description: Economy Reports are available based on hourly and day performance, but we never have any insight into how a specific airline or module is performing. Having breakdowns in Economy Reports by Airlines and Modules could look like this:

Income by:

  • Passengers
  • Baggage
  • Fueling
  • Stand Fees
  • Contract Fees (Completed Flights)
  • Other Income that comes from Airlines

Income by:

  • Fuel vs Expense
  • Baggage vs Expense
  • Stand Income vs Operating Cost
  • Runway Income vs Operating Cost
  • Catering vs Expense
  • Deicing vs Expense
  • Other Modules with Cost or Operating Cost by also contains income

Why it should be implemented:
Having these reports would allow a very deep dive into how airports are performing and how your income and expenses are adding up. This allows you to consider negotiating with specific airlines that are giving you less money, or cancelling contract with airlines giving you low passengers by taking up lots of space. You could also consider renegotiating module expenses (Fuel, Catering, etc) based on these reports.

Defiantly a cool idea! I think it should be in the game. Voted!

By the way, how many votes do people get?

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10 votes maximum.

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