Expand & different Secure-Zones

Hey Guys,
first of all. Big big big compliment! The Game is awesome
Two short questions:

  • We can see the expandable Area around the start tile, but is it possible to expand currently (and how) or later on?
  • I know there was a discussion and some test about divided secure areas. Whats the last status and is it possible?

Can’t finde the last threads about that right now. :confused:

For the first one: (i believe) they said that it will be implemented in the future, just isnt in the game right now.

You can actually go into the save file and unlock the areas. Search for something like “topleft” to find roughly where they are. However I really don’t reccommend it as the game will grind to a halt.

With regard to the second system, you should be able to have multiple disconnected secure areas.


I tried it now. At the moment it doesnt work, cause of the security points are connected to every stand/desk in every area.
If we are able to clear the security connection, than it will work, I think…

Pretty sure they’re only connected to ones that share a common secure zone?

I tried now in diffrent variations. Every time all Security Checks was connected to each stand on whole airport. Result is that the PAX going anywhere thru the check (cause their flight stand is connected) and than mostly in the wrong secure zone.

@Olof and @Fredrik: In Current state, is it possible to give specific Security Checks specific Stands?
Or do I something false?

No, not at this stage, you “can” do it by having separate security areas for this desks and stands but that’s it for now.

I agree - this feature is needed.

Love the game. Thanks!

just wanna mention that i now have mulitple secured zones with 3 security checkpoints per zone and they are connected to the correct stands!

However, I did have to save (under a new name) and load that game for it to work (because first all checkpoints were indeed connected to all stands in all zones)

(this was like a week ago on default branch. Im guessing it had something to do with the fact that it used to be one huge zone that i cut up into smaller pieces and only a reload ‘refreshed’ the state of all the checkpoints)

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