Flight delays due to airport staff not at boarding desk

I made up a rule for myself; always reject all employees that are have just 1 green bar, hire the rest, then improve over time. (2 green bars, 3 green bars, etc).

I think I would call that phase two… optimization… My security had gotten trimmed down to only 4 green bars… The firing of the quarter wit greenies changed my security efficiency folks profoundly. I figure it takes 4 times the number of employed people to thin it down so they’re all green bar employees.

I guess phase three would be filtering out for the best. After going through that process, it seems like you could get to a point of only haveing high value 4 green bar employees.

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I feel like the timescale could use another update at this point? I don’t know, but it just seems like it was finally adjusted, we loved it, and then a new experimental branch came out, and people are suddenly late again…

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