FORUM GAME: Aviation Trivia!

Yep that’s right

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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I’m confused… Do you literally just want this list? Screenshot - a124d4e1b8462d9b6f43a4c536497afb - Gyazo

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Okay, lets get back on track :slight_smile:

Which Scandinavian countries has their flag on the Scandinavian Airlines fleet?


Let’s keep it friendly in here peeps! No one is allowed to act out their emotions on the forum, we must always strive to keep it civil! :slight_smile:

The flags on the SAS aircrafts are the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, right? :open_mouth:

(edit: deleted a bunch of off-topic post, let’s join Cody in getting back on track)


Nicely done Olof now its your turn to pop a question.


What is the world’s smallest commercial airport?


Lol, sorry, forgot about this haha. Good that @Colorado1 stepped in!

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Saba? I believe a runway of 200m

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That’s correct. Now it’s your turn.

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k, easy one: When would an aircraft need more than 2 pilots?

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When two pilots are dead.

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On long haul flights, then 1 pilot can sleep

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@Guusje2 I need a number :slight_smile:

@bigbigcheese, it would be hard to add a pilot after the fact.

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They need another pilot. Quite desperately in fact!
However they’re not going to get one! :stuck_out_tongue:

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then there are 3 pilots

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lol. And how long would that flight have to last before there is a requirement for 3 pilots?

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If I can remember correctly, this depends on the airline how they make use of the “chrono” (actually a stop-watch to track flight-time). Some airlines SOP indicates it starts at the gate, some on the runway just before takeoff, some in between those two etc. Further to this (again, if I remember correctly), it depends on the region you are flying and what authority having jurisdiction is in charge for you (EASA, FAA, etc.). I believe the rule of thumb was 6 hours of (raw) flight time. But yet again, please correct me someone with more more up-to-date background information.

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There is an FAA regulation that concerns this.
6 hours is not the right number :slight_smile:

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Damn it! I really need to get involved in aviation rules and regulations again :smiley: Was it 10 hours as per FAA? This is a cool question, btw!

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