GA plane crashed on landing

Saw a news article today in the Swedish news. English can be found below the Swedish version :slight_smile:

En flygelev kraschade med ett ultralätt flygplan när han skulle landa vid flygplatsen i Örebro under lördagen.

Eleven flög ensam i flygplanet och läraren befann sig på marken och höll radiokontakt. Vid landningen studsade flygplanet, och eleven drog då på mer gas, enligt flygläraren.
Planet stegrade tio meter och klippte sedan runt och gick ned i backen med vänster vinge. Planet är totalhavererat.

Flera brandbilar, ambulanser och polis kallades till platsen, men eleven lyckades oskadd ta sig ur vraket på egen hand.
Händelsen kommer att utredas av Statens haverikommission

An aviation student crashed with an ultra-light aircraft when he landed at Örebro airport, on Saturday.

The student flew alone in the aircraft and the instructor was on the ground and kept radio contact.
Upon landing, the aircraft bounced, and the student then gave more power, according to the flight instructor.
The plane climbed ten meters and then cut around and went in to the ground with the left wing firsts.The plane is completely crashed.

Several fire trucks, ambulances and police were called to the scene, but the student managed to get out of the wreck unharmed on his own.
The incident will be investigated by the Swedish Accident Investigation Board

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Maybe the devs are gathering material for Alpha 36… :slightly_smiling_face: Just kidding, I’m glad the pilot is okay.


How did he make it out I’m wondering, he jump out?

No idea, he was lucky tho.

I am glad the student is okay! :slight_smile: