German Translation Improvements

O.k. - 7th button - Sicherheit
Sicherheitsausgang - The word ‘Sicherheitsbereich’ must be written with a capital ‘S’ (Typo)
Other things there are correct.

8th button - Toilette … I would say either use the plural ‘Toiletten’ or the alternative ‘Sanitäre Einrichtungen’ with the latter sounding like a pro.
In the descriptions: Replace ‘Leuten’ with ‘Personen’. As told before, ‘Leute’ is a bit more informal.

9th button: including submenus flawless.

10th button - Essensraum …nope, we do not say that. Better: Gastronomiebereich’ or simply ‘Restaurant’.
We do not have ‘Essensschalter’ … we call that thing simply ‘Theke’
‘Display Kühlschrank’ … we call them ‘Kühltheken’
‘Schalter’ … nope, still a ‘Theke’ …maybe ‘Diverse Theken’. A ‘Schalter’ we use either for ‘switch’ or if we mean a desk where we can buy something like train tickets or do banking…with a clerk behind. If it sells food it is a ‘Theke’, if drinks are sold from the tap it is called a ‘Tresen’ or still ‘Theke’. I can totally understand, that ‘counter’ is not translated easily without knowing the context nuances.
The rest is correct.

11th button: Sitzplätze
Everything looks fine here although we might rather say ‘Gatesitzplätze’ because we do not do the thing with the ‘-’ to connect two words often in Germany. We also say ‘Flughafenbank’ to gate seatings.

12th button: Dekorationen
We do not say ‘Festtagsbaum’, but ‘Weihnachtsbaum’ - same for ‘Festtagsgirlanden’ … only ‘Weihnachtsgirlanden’ or 'Girlanden.
‘Strassenlicht’ … better is ‘Strassenbeleuchtung’. And change ‘schlecht’ to ‘schlicht’. There are no ‘bad’ lights (schlecht), but not very decorating (schlicht) ones. The rest is correct in my book.

Good night for today @Alexander

…or “Straßenlaternen”. Straßenlicht indeed doesn’t sound very good although not being wrong. :slight_smile: (Straßen with ß)

I do not know whether they include the ‘ß’ in the code, so I went with the ‘double-s’-version. You are German as well? Do you concur with my proposals?

Yes I’m German as well. Double-s can have quite a different meaning, so I hope they can use it - if it’s UTF-8 it should be no problem.

Most of your proposals seem spot on, some I wouldn’t use. I have to say I didn’t try the game in German, I can just judge from your posts here, so I might lack context every now and then.

“Flughafenbank” is a word I wouldn’t use for example, sounds more like a bank where you get money. I’d thus prefer “Gatesitzplätze” or (or rather “Sitzbänke” if it’s not for single seats).
“Theke” I think is good for the additional empty counters to place, while for the staffed counter I’d just use “Kasse” as it’s a self-service restaurant and those often simply use that word in reality. On the other hand, it has taps included, so Theke is still right in a way.
I generally wouldn’t use “Sanitäre Einrichtungen” although it’s a correct name, but I’d prefer to stay with the names how they are called on signs and normal passenger’s wording, because most players will only know airports as normal passengers and should find the words they’re used to. “Toiletten” is quite good I think, you’re right with the plural.

By the way I even learned something from you, “Kippschalensorter” is a word I didn’t know before. :slight_smile:

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To be frank - I found the original odd and had to look this up for myself. Same with Andienungsstraße or Versorgungsstraße for the ‘Dienststraße’. I mean, there are some streets in Germany litarally named like that…but as a ‘Oberbegriff’? Nope. You are correct with Flughafenbank…although I found that word on a page selling them. They were described as ‘Flughafenbank’/‘Flughafensitzplatz’. I wonder, if something like ‘Sitzreihe’ would not be more appropriate.

And I am confused…I mean a German talking to a German in English about which German words in a translation are good and which are not…confusing meta… :wink:


At least we make sure others can still understand what we’re talking about - I’d call it politeness in an English forum. :wink:

“Sitzreihe” is usually used for numbered rows, for example in airplanes or buses.

Public streets I’d simply call “Zufahrtsstraße” or “öffentliche Straße”, but there are several possibilities.
“Versorgungsstraße” would be okay for ways to the catering depot, but for just normal roads on the airside it sounds odd to me, although maybe officially being right. Fraport calls it “Fahrstraße” in its traffic rules for people working airside. But I’d also be fine with “luftseitige Straße” (which would work well together with “öffentliche Straße”).

I looked up a bit in wiki…Anliegerstrasse would match as well in a certain way. But I agree: ‘luftseitige Straße’ would be most correct. ‘Sitzreihe’ … well…it is a row of seats isn’t it?

Duden says: Reihe von Sitzen (z. B. in einem Saal, Fahrzeug o. Ä.). Does not need to be numbered in my book.

Very interesting discussion, thank you. Some of the problems in the translation are obvious mistakes, some require some discussion I guess… we’ll present a new tool soon for you to have more direct input into the quality of the translation.

All right so we are live on Localizor! The German section is available here, so now we have a platform for going through the quality of the agency’s German and you can either vote on it (if you want to) or submit your own proposals instead for a certain string.

We’ll of course however also keep an eye on further feedback here, although we’d from now on suggest that all additions are changed through Localizor! :sunglasses:


Wait, we have a DJ? I must have missed that one totally :partying_face:

Haha, that’s from the CV résumé generator… lol.

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O.k. - will give it a try tonite.

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@DocDesastro and @Olof - as I’m currently checking German translations, I was just thinking about “Du”, “Dein” etc.
@DocDesastro always recommends uppercase D, the default translation is lowercase. Generally I’m fine with both. Strictly speaking, Duden only allows uppercase “Du”, “Dein” etc in letters, e-mails and similar, but not in other texts. From this point of view, it probably should all be lowercase. I think for future translations you (@Olof) should define which rule to use here to avoid lots of unnecessary work and different versions. We probably agree that the worst case would be a mix of both spellings.

Is there any chance to show those basic considerations inside Localizor, maybe below the “Request an example” and “Upload an example” buttons? For example a line like “Bitte beachte, dass der Spieler grundsätzlich geduzt wird und Anredepronomen (Du, Dein usw.) klein geschrieben werden.” (in the uppercase version, replace “klein” with “groß”)

Duden also say, that in every case, where the reader is directly spoken to, we can use the upper case version. I think this is totally in the eye of the beholder, but for me the devs are talking through the game to the gamer and using upper-case personal pronouns is polite - maybe antiquated nowadays.

Well, I personally like the uppercase Du. So for me it would be totally fine. :slight_smile:
I just think we need a basic decision to avoid “double work” and a mix. I saw you already spent lots of time proofreading everything.

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