Help out translating Airport CEO!

Hello I create a official Telegram group for traslating Spanish for the game! Please send PM for the link.

I’m also stopping for today! We reached 87.9% on the Dutch translations, this is crazy! Well done guys! :smiley: I noticed that we especially need validation now, so feel free to go over existing translations and vote on the best/correct ones.


Good! I create a Official Group in Telegram for Spanish. ¿Do I put the link here or ask to send me a private message to grant it?

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I’m currently pushing ahead and proof reading the English section. I noticed that some keys have a trailing space at the beginning or at the end. I was wondering if these were intentional or not. Thanks!

(I’m sad to admit this, but I’m for some reason quite enjoying this)


On the Spanish section do you mean Spanish from Spain, or Spanish from Latin America?

It’s intentional! And English proofing is very welcome too, as it as well is needed and will earn you coins! :slight_smile:

Brilliant work on the translations today, none of us anticipated this when we launched around six hours ago… :rofl:


Thanks for the response! I left a couple of comments about that on a few of them. I’ll find those at some point and delete them to not create confusion.

I send to you one MP…

I am translating into Spanish. I will correct my own translations if I encounter errors or because it does not match the aeronautical or industry language of that type.
Also maybe I wrote some words or phrases with some misspelling.

Anyway, I have a lot of fun and I hope to stay in the credits of the game to be immortal!

Un abrazo grande a todos!
A big hug to everyone!


I can go for the Danish translation :slight_smile:

Is there possible to add Norwegian ? :smiley:

They are added :smiley:

I’m currently looking at the keys with the highest amount of “Example Requests”, which hopefullly helps!


@JeremyK has taken the liberty and made a separate discussion forum for the Dutch translation to streamline the usage of some words. If you are helping to translate into Dutch, have a look at that (Dutch) topic:

great job guys (galls?)


It’s extremely impressive :smiley:

Will ACEO itself be featured in the localizor rewards shop?

Now that I think of it, it would be really cool if we could buy Airport CEO Merchandise with our collected coins :smiley:

Could you take a look at this one? I don’t think the HTML is supposed to be there.

This one too is similar.


Ha, losers in Sweden!


It’s actually supposed to be there :smiley: This is when we use rich-text formatting (RFT) to add styling (like bold, different size, etc.) to lines dynamically. Please write those lines out and “encapsulate” the translated words (or otherwise suitable translated word).

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