How to purchase

I saw a post about posting bugs.

How did they get the game.
How do I get the game.
Is there a way to become a tester.
Tried to post here but got a notification.

My post must be at least one hundred fifty characters but I have asked all I wanted.
Making a post a minimum amount of one hundred fifty characters is to high. Now I have to randomly come up with random stuff just to make a minimum amount of characters.

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Hi there LTL_King, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You mean this post?

As said in that post, it won’t be active until the game has has actually been released, which it has not.

The game will release soon™ :smiley: on Steam

As far as i know they have asked some close friends to test and there is no official channel (yet?) to become a tester. Believe me, if there was, you would have to stand in line bud :stuck_out_tongue:


This thread make me laugh btw, the thread starter guy genius tho. The main point of this thread just want to be a tester but he wrote more to passes the minimum post LoL


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