Ideas on beta release date

Was just wondering since the game is coming on leaps and bounds. I can smell alpha/beta in the air lol. Was just wanting to see what the community’s thoughts were on this when do they think there would be a alpha/beta release.

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There will be, however don’t expect it until early next year. Take a look at this - FAQ.

> We aim to release the game as an Early Access title sometime in the beginning of Q1 (2017).

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:


There will be eventually, patience is a virtue :slight_smile:

What is Q1?

early spring 2017

“Quarter One”. The first quarter of the year, first three months.
It usually refers to the financial year so it’s April, May, June.

It’ll be JAN to MAR pretty sure. Also… for our company Q1 of a financial year would be OCT-DEC. :confused:

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Whatever the date we don’t want them to rush it’s going to be a brilliant game no matter what. Hopefully they will bring out a kickstarter so we can help them with the development

Fingers and legs crossed for march lol!!!

It is so hard to plan ahead as we have to adapt the development time into our day to day life. We have made a commitment to release something in Q1 2017 (Jan-Mar). Our goal is to have a playable pre-alpha/alpha by then. Unfortunately we can’t be any more specific at this time but development is progressing well and soon, all saving functions are in place, which have been one of the last big aspects to implement before we feel ready for a release. Once that is complete we will move our focus to testing, polishing and balancing the game.


thank you :slight_smile:

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Been watching at some old conversations…and then I realized.You just predicted 2 delays of the game.

Technically this is about the Beta release date… the game will release as pre alpha first :stuck_out_tongue:

eh…somewhat. The word beta and Alpha are used pretty vaguely in this topic.

I can smell Alpha/Beta in the air-lordjt


I am still of the opinion that as soon as people pay it became a to-pay-beta… since alpha version only has people testing which are involved directly in the development. It’s basically a marketing scheme… :smiley:

I also predicted the original release date. :blush: I am in their mind. :smiley:

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