Janitors not keeping up

My janitors are utterly useless. They do 1 cleaning job then go back to a staff room before leaving the staff room again and doing another cleaning job. This is despite the fact that there are loads of cleaning jobs to do (including ones that the walk over and ignore to get to the job). Is there a way around this or is this something for the devs to look into?


Probably something to do with the behaviour. I’m pretty sure for any staff member, once they have done a task, they will have a break. So I guess the only other solution is to hire more janitors

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Is the staff room far away? Maybe build more distributed staff rooms, so the workers don’t have to go so far.

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One of the things is pax make alot more dirt when they’re standing about for not having any seats or the ques for security or checking being full.

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Which game version is this ? Default? Experimental?

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I need to examine the case, can you bug report it and get back to me with a the number?

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Experienced the same. Didn’t matter how many janitors I hire… I never keep up with the amount of dirt. I’ll try to bug report it this evening.


Maybe the cause is that passengers are making too much dirt?:joy:

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Just reported it: 18930


Not sure if anything has come of this yet but I followed a couple janitors around in one of my airports. While they did not complete one cleaning job and return to the break room before going to a new cleaning job, I did notice their paths to jobs was very inefficient.

In one example, the janitor I watched cleaned a spot of floor, walked to a new spot to clean and bypassed several other dirty floor areas. Then the janitor returned to the first spot cleaned, again, bypassing numerous dirty areas, and cleaned a different spot. Next, the janitor went to the floor above to clean one spot before returning to the lower level to clean a different spot.

Seem to me the janitors should clean spots as they come across them instead of randomly traveling to different parts of the building. Quite a bit of time wasted walking all over the place.

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How many passengers are there in your airport?

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Would it be possible to have a system similar to the old Roller coaster tycoon games? So you could assign/zone an area for them to look after, and all they do is patrol that area looking for dirt and things to clean?

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Generally 2800-3200 through most of the day. I watched the numbers a bit closer and starting early in the morning, with no available job tasks for the janitors, they keep up pretty well until around 9-10am, then the jobs available start piling up. By noon, there were around 200 jobs available, by 1700, there were around 500 jobs available. I have seen it climb to just over 900 jobs available (I hired some more janitors at that point). Now with a pretty steady 3000ish passengers in the airport throughout the day it builds up steadily. Though by around midnight, the janitors have caught up and the jobs available drops back to 0 again.

Seems a bit much to hire 10-20 more janitors when the current ones could be more efficient. I would be in favor of a zoning type setup along with more efficient mechanics so an individual janitor would go from one dirty square to the next adjacent dirty square as opposed to going to the other side of the room just to come back.

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I think we’re going to wait until the new path finding solution is out before we dig into this, at that many pax I want to make sure that the system is not affected by the lacking path finding path distribution which I can see could cause this behavior.

If this is still what’s happening after that fix has gone default, I’ll look into it.


I have also had a problem with janitors - my airport is always so dirty. Thank goodness for the debug panel and ability to clean all floors instantly. The recent update has reduced the amount required, but I still need an high number of janitors.

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I have the same problem, not soo drastically. I observe that it gets solved at some time, and later comes back again.
So I just watch and smell…

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I’ve always wondered - do trash cans/bins reduce spills/mess? I think that’d be a very useful game mechanic - invest in food/shop franchises to access trash cans AND place them strategically (eg high traffic areas) and place enough of them. OR you need to invest in more janitors. OR have a nice balance.

Maybe the mechanic would be that if a pax is within x distance of y trash bins, then the likely hood of a spill decreases by some amount.

eg spill % = 0.2 * x * (1/y)

I understand that this adds even more computational load to the engine, but I think it’d be a nice way to balance investment in infrastructure vs. staff.

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Understood. Curious what the best way to determine if the game is having difficulty with path finding. The numbers listed in the Path finding Stats in the debug panel seem reasonable but also not sure what you are looking for there.

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They will have an impact yes, either in Alpha 34 or Alpha 35.