Job tasks still not getting completed

I took a lengthy, multi-month break from Airport CEO, mostly for my own sanity. I returned recently to use Alpha 33, and discovered to my disappointment, that a number of the major operational bugs still have not been addressed. Chief among these that airport staff and vehicles don’t attend to tasks, and that means aircraft sit at stands indefinitely with uncompleted tasks until they are dismissed. Note the screenshot with the aircraft ready to go. The only thing left is for a catering truck to attend to the stand and complete the service. That aircraft will sit there for month, even though I have 10 catering trucks sitting in a parking lot doing nothing. Tough to explain that basic breakdown in functionality.


Similarly, aircraft often get stranded because airport staff don’t attend the desk to board the passengers. The aircraft will sit forever if I don’t dismiss it. (Ramp staff will linger at the stand even though their job is done.) So why do I find more than 20 airport staff snoozing in a nearby staff room? From what I can tell, there is no easy way to compel them to complete the task, and I shouldn’t have to anyway. This is a BUG and it needs to be fixes to make even Alpha versions playable.


Sorry to complain but I was personally hoping to see some of this functionality fixed as a priority over new features.

I would submit a bug report with this airport save file so that the devs can take a look at it. There could be something in your design that is causing a hangup.

Turnaround services and boarding are very reliable in my experience! so it sounds like a design flaw or a bug relating to unexpected design.

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Have you bug reported any of these issues? As @Eggshellent said your issues may be tied to the way you design your airport, we currently have no patterns of job task issues reported in the backlog so I would need to take a look at your save in question.

If you have not bug reported any of your issues, please do so and return here with a bug report number so we can take a look.

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