Leeds Bradford Airport [Final Build]

Hello there :slight_smile:

Bought the game a month ago, loving it so far. Fantastic work by the Devs, great community content on the forums too! Been trying to do my small share and report bugs whenever they arise, but for an Alpha build they’ve been pretty rare for me so far.

Here’s my airport design, started as a small local airport and I’ve upgraded it to handle commercial regional flights. I must admit that, even with full pax quantity settings (my PC can support it so far and it’s more realistic) I may have built too big of a terminal for 13 stands :sweat_smile:

I’ve thus shut down the wings and will use them for medium aircraft stands check-in/restaurants/shops/security when I get into Phase II of this airport, with international flights. I’m using the North area of the terminal and the centre branch so far to handle all my needs, and I’m quite happy with the balance I’ve achieved. All areas are quite alive, queues do build-up realistically and bathrooms/shop/cafe/security operates near capacity.

The Terminal drop-in area will probably see the removal of the central parking lot for it to be replaced with more taxi/bus/car stops, and I may move the parking lots south of that. The security area for luggage at the West has been built much larger than needed, but it’s because I’m not planning to enlarge it and it’s the final security/distribution for all luggage within the airport. Time will tell if it was wise to do so… It’s close to check-in areas and to the cargo bays. Staff areas there should also cover for the planned increase of workers as I expand into medium-size aircraft.

Enough said, enjoy the screenshots! I’ve enabled zones, queues and belt directions as appropriate on some of them. :arrow_forward: Click on each title below to expand the pictures! :arrow_backward: I don’t want to flood my own thread. :wink:

Airport Inception

Airport so far

Underground, Luggage & Staff Security

Check-In, Security & Remote Stands Underground

Fire Exits (also for contractors), Terminal Rooms & Staff on Break!

I’ve stopped developping the airport as I’ve started a new one (Belfast International airport). This is because this airport had the issue of the “wings” in the main terminal which made separating terminals really awkward, and things got crowded in strange ways. Keep your eyes peeled for a thread my new creation :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m a slow builder, as you can see I do enjoy the details and this is the Nth iteration of the terminal. I had quite a few designs (bathrooms at either ends, more shops, shops before security, etc…) that didn’t work out because of travel distances, not enough passengers to properly answer demand, balance & tweaking as you can imagine.

Devs, keep-up the great work! :heart:


Awesome, can you post a closeup of the underground staff block?

Oh, we get a partial a bit later. Can you make full printscreen of it?

Oh, the inside windows is awesome!

All the small staff rooms, what a dedication :smiley: ~ really nice.


nice airport you got there!


Nice airport, question, how is it always so cold in your pictures, in every picture above ground, there is always a plane getting de-iced, but the grass is green, where is the airport located?


North of England :wink: Leeds Bradford Airport - Wikipedia
Not at all following the real airport layout, link just for reference to the location.
I must say that it’s sweet de-icing income.

Thank you for all the nice comments everybody :slight_smile: Been working on a much larger parking area today in order to accomodate the increased traffic once I expand to medium-size aircrafts, so that I can also remove the small central parking spaces and replace them by more drop-offs and metro access. :metro: :busstop:


My airport in the south-west of England always seems to be in the depths of Winter, according to the temperatures given. I would say that most of the time, it is 5-10degC below what the prevailing temperatures should be for the area in ‘Winter’, and 15-20degC below what it should be in ‘Summer’. Perhaps this could be looked at in Beta phase to give us more realistic weather for the position on the Earth’s surface?