New Community Leaders!

Nah, we really just said who we wanted in a couple threads.

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Well done guys!


Hope I get regular soon as I have been here since 2015. :wink: :blush:

I have been here for long enough and been active enough to get ā€œRegularā€. However, I think the only ranks are leader, basic (for our latest followers! :blush:) and member (where most of us are). This is really not a rank based forum. :slight_smile:

Ranks have been disabled. Some people like me and Bigbigcheese did get ā€˜Regularā€™ but on seeing this, Devs disabled Ranks, saying that they werenā€™t ready to give out powers to lots of people. I agree.

Itā€™s very easy to get a ā€˜Regularā€™ on this small forum. Thus too many people will end up having partial moderator power. Rank system may come up when the game gets more popularā€¦ with 2000+ active forum users. Or when it gets too much work even for the moderators.

I did receive regular as well, but they disabled it a few days after we got awarded it

I saw the ranks on a discourse link, I guess this forum is based from Discourse

The Discord came quite a fair bit of time AFTER the forum started. One of the first topics on the forum was about the Discord.

not discord, discourse.