Passangers outside

Please make passengers go inside when they leave the Subway/bus/car, and not wait in front of airport, this is very bad simulation of passengers since everyone should be inside, in shops, restaurants, etc before they check in, having coffee etc…

This should be done like yesterday for realism, and not have 1000 people sitting outside of the subway entrance waiting for checking to open.


Can we have a screenshot as this should not happen? Might be an issue with your design. Do you have seating, shops or cafes?

here is simple ss, they come out of the bus, wait at the station until the checkin opens, I have coffee shop inside before checkin and few seats… didn’t happen before update.

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I ser a design issue in here. Could you show your whole airport with areas enabled?

I notice this happens when the passengers arrive but the check-in desks are not staffed (not open). The passengers are programmed to check-in, and will only move when they can. If it takes a little bit after they arrive for the staff to get to the check-in desks, that is why they are lingering. First priority, check in, then shopping.

Look at the red balloons, those people are wishing for something……

I get this issue too on all of my builds for a long time. But I’m a mean CEO and don’t give them any seating in the checkin area or baggage claim. If I put it in baggage claim, those arriving come in and take up the area leaving no seats for the baggage claimers. Wish we could get one way zones, that would sort those lay about out. :rofl:


One way doors would do it for me; then you could put all baggage pickups on the “exit” lane from the secure zone to the outside and refusing people coming in, into that “exit” lane.


Not having their million pound painting shredded? :rofl:

You only do cheap paintings?

No I have original artworks, did you not see the story about the Banky’s artwork sold at auction the other day?


Yes, haha, thats what I meant, I always wonder why people would pay millions for a name instead of the piece.


People will pay what they think it is worth, regardless.

No not doors, do it a zones. More flexible.


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