Planner Logos?

How does one go about setting the logo attributes that show up in flight planner?

i.e, the background colour/text etc?

The logos always set the INV image also?

Mucking about with these settings do nothing?

That would be Interesting for me too :slight_smile:

Got it sussed :slight_smile:

Remove the space before the numbers, and set your chosen colour preference (RGB). Adjust the (a) alpha number according to how opaque you wish the logo to be, i.e 0 = lightest, and 255 = darkest.

Works best if you have your XXX_INV.png pure white on transparent.

Thank you for the info :slight_smile:

i’m struggling a bit.
The Textcolor is working but the background color i have allways white…

here my example (the logo should be more o less the same):

If you can make it available somewhere I’ll take a look for you.

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thanks to Rubble we found the issue:
When you load an Airport with existing fligths, it doesn’t load newer settings from JSON…