Runway usage

In a past airport I made I had 2 runways. 1 for takeoff and one for landing. If I build a new airport with 2 runways but both ruways are used for both takeoff and landing how will the planes choose which runway to use?

According to my experience, if they’re same length it should be random. If I have different length runway, almost every plane will use the longest available.


interesting, I’ve never noticed that or payed attention to that before. lol

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I have two departure runways, one maximal length on current building area and the other one the medium standard size of 800m. Sometimes 6-7 airplanes line up behind each other for the long runway before a single plane will go for the 800m although the latter is minimal closer to the stands.
It’s quite annoying because it can cause chaos at the airport. Because of that I had to separate landing and departure runways. Without that the landing planes always got delays waiting for the long runway to be available.
At least with the coming change to fixed length runways this problem might be gone.


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