Security Connection - Security Checkpoint Connection Missing

I’ve been playing Airport CEO for almost 6 hours, but I’ve never figured out how the Security Connection works in stands. I saw a few discussions here in the forums, but they didn’t help me unfortunately.
The airport: (it’s not the final airport :joy:)

In every stand I get: “Security Connection - Security Checkpoint Connection Missing”
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello! You have a section of open zone between your two secure zones. This causes your stand and security check-points not to connect. You need to build sidewalk and zone that area as secure to make sure they connect.

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Also the section before the control post should be unsecure.

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Ohh, didn’t notice that. Thanks!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Where can I find the “sidewall”? :smiley:

Infrastructure and transport. Click on the 5th icon with the person

Sidewalk btw

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Ohh, sidewalk, okay :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’m getting: Structure Position Not Valid


Correct floor?

Also screenshots will help

It was trying to build the sidewalk on a service road :joy:That was the issue

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It’s all a learning curve :grinning:

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Hmm…I’m still getting the same issue:

The door is not secure zoned , plus your exits are facing a wall

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Thank you so much! It’s working now! :smiley:


You need to fix your exit door.

One side secure

Other side unsecure zoned


Yup :slight_smile:


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