Sent home individual passenger option?

Good evening guys. I got a little bit fun notification about 3 aircrafts waiting for the passengers. And finally i saw them on the road wich was hit by the feul truck. LOL I dont know how they went out. so I tried to build a door for them, but they wont walk in to the terminal. And the notification was still show. So I think it would be nice if it able to send them home by one click or something like that as well. :slight_smile:

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Can you show us a little further zoomed out with zones enabled? This is reminiscent of a previous bug so would be useful.

Im just reload the game and just marks those 3 people by security zone. And they walk true in to the terminal. Hmm so how they get out there? and outside security zone. maybe bug as you say.

Sounds like the same bug reported a few weeks ago. Send it in Iā€™d suggest as a bug.

It is a bug that I reported. Somehow when a passenger leaves bus, he spawns right in middle of road. I solved it by building a crosswalk (not right under the stuck passenger)

EDIT: Your issue is happening on Tarmac side. I guess you should file a bug report.

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