Shop information and strategies

Update data (beta 5):
1st: Shop table, 2nd: Cafe table, 3rd: Restaurant table.
Small note: the area (or others values) can change very slightly.


Nice table. It would be better if you display cooking station, stoves, modular sofas… on separated columns.

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I just edited the image as you propose


Looks amazing! Maybe pop it onto the wiki? :smile: :wink:

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Request; can you add a MAX(x) to each column of restaurants requirements. So, you can make a copy-able standard layout.

Edit; maybe add a MAX(x) to the other table columns as well.

Also, maybe add the titles; Shop table, 2nd: Cafe table, 3rd: Restaurant table on top of each one.

Just wish the passenger behaviour was balanced out better/more spontaneous! Everyone using the same nearest restaurant/shop causes big issues with meeting sales targets. Cheers for the table though!

I do not understand your request

He means what is the max amount of an object that any franchise will require. This is so that we can make a cafe template that works with any franchise we choose

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Who came up with the idea to set prices in Bellanger at $ 8,000-10,000? Why is this done to destroy interest in the game?

Then don’t use Bellanger


Just know, that if you renew the underground type, that its done by chinese contractor. They will keep the damage around.

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This humor is beyond my understanding. Decrypt, please.)

If there is contract bid on a public works, like a runway, in Russia.

The Gemans bid a normal price, the Russians will go just under the Germans, since they own the governor and know the German bid price and the Chinese will be wayyy cheap.

Then the Russians will make a deal with the Chinese, that they can do the works, if they withdraw from the bid.

Then the Germans wont make the runway, the Russians have the profits of a near German bid and the Chinese will build the Runway.

Then you get a new Runway that is not better as before the new bid.

Just like in Airport CEO, if you upgrade from Grass to Concrete, the runway stays in the same bad condition of dire repairs.

The runway has nothing to do with it. You don’t need a lot of mind to build it. The construction of such facilities is a matter of national security, and even if the workers at the facility are from some other country, the general contractor will be local.

This meme is not about the runway. The IL-86 had 4 D-30 engines, the thrust of which was not enough, but there were no others. In the USSR, any civil aviation developments of that period were developed primarily for the military, and only then were adjusted to civilian needs. The first serial jet aircraft in the world, the TU-104, was a rework of a military aircraft. Although he took off later than the English Caravelle, he went into the series earlier.

In general, the IL-86, having a lack of thrust, had a greater takeoff run. That’s where this meme comes from. Why did I bring him? Because I want to use all the possibilities in the game, without using mods, which often upset the balance in the game. That’s just Bellanger’s store, this is the destruction of the balance in the game that no one wants to notice.

We made the most realistic simulator, and made an imbalanced store.