So what's the deal with multiple liveries?

I am confused about why multiple liveries does not work. What’s the problem? Can’t you just put a randomizer to randomly pick liveries?

Multiple liveries were working fine but unfortunalety some game updates made that system broken. Developers are aware of issue but they say that it is not priority at the moment.

Meanwhile I wouldn’t say no to this feature;

livery.[xxx].is.special = 1
spawn.livery.[xxx].only.once = 1
spawn.livery.[xxx].only.once = 0

I hope you get it :blush:

Explain in English for those who don’t know coding

VOID - it means if the identified livery is “special” then only spawn it once. All over liveries will spawn multiple times. So you’ll only see a special livery on one aircraft.

VOID - it means if the identified livery is “special” then only spawn it once. All over liveries will spawn multiple times. So you’ll only see a special livery on one aircraft.

Bingo :smiley:

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Yes I understood what it ment but others might not

I’d prefer a system where an airline gets an x amount of planes, and you can set a livery per plane. With the scheduling system recognising not to use the same plane too twice on the same time.

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