Staff not moving anymore

Just send in a bug with non moving security staff.

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In case this happens in beta 5, I have the same issue. I just wanted to reproduce before bugreport but didn’t have the chance yet.

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Did some tests here, can anyone confirm if this happens when you reload a save from in-game? Or is it more random?

I have found that sometime reloading a save, is not working in one go, but is in two tries. I have to find out over time, but I think its not the only cause.

When I reload the save I normally quit to main menu and then load it again - then my problem stays. I have now quit the full game and reloaded from Steam, and my issue didn’t appear anymore. Not sure if that’s the cause.

This bug happens quite often for me as well. It totally stops the movement of some of my pax although others can go the same path. I think it’s a pretty big issue to look into. Mostly solved after re-loading a save game but it happens all to often.

Yeah, since days I try to figure out how to reproduce this.

I think it has a relation to performance and what you do in the airport.

In my case, the airport runs very smooth unless I start some construction on a different part of the map. Mainly when it involves taxiways and paths have to be recalculated.

This can cause mainly that my passengers get stuck at the boarding desk for remote gates.
They are between desk and bus and then, the boarding cannot close.
In rare cases, staff does not take up jobs.

The problem I have is just with security. Had a half built airport that was working the built some more gates etc and suddenley security will not operate. Staff are there but no doing anything. So started a new airport and security staff are not going to the checkpoints, so game currently not playable.

Have you tried just an ingame reload or did you closed the whole game before you started the map again? In most cases after this workaround, staff was moving again.

I have reloaded the game and the security checkpoints are operating now, very strange.

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I may be having this issue too. I’ve been expanding my airport and sooner or later it always happen the same thing: security checkpoints stop working, passengers won’t move, passenger service agents don’t go to the gates.

Closing and reloading doesn’t solve it. I have to close the game and steam and go back to a previous save file.

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Try loading the same game in twice, it helped for me. Make a resave in between.

Yes it happens at random usually when you do construction to terminals and sometimes airside operations like taxiways and stands.

This seems to do the trick, thanks!!! :smiley:

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Looking through the discussion here and searching in the backlog, there’s definitely something going on and it’s indeed a critical issue. However, I’ve been trying to recreate this issue for the past hour without success, doing excessive reconstruction far away with complex paths, building, demolishing, and also building and demolishing security checkpoints without any success, it always works on my machine and my security staff do not disappoint regardless of how many weird instructions they have to follow. I am simply not interacting with the game the same way you peeps are which is probably why I can’t reproduce this issue… classic developer, lol.

Has anyone identified a situation where this issue always presents itself? It definitely seems to be related to construction.

Edit: Finally found the issue, any save and reload in quick succession seems to break multiple parts of the pathfinding system. We’ll provide a fix as soon as we’ve found the cause.


Does this also includes the breaks caused during the game when making some constructions?
The last two weeks I have never used the ingame reload but still, sometimes passengers get stuck after boarding desks on the way to remote busses.

If I let the game just run for several ingame days, I never get that issue. Only when I start to build stuff it can randomly happen somewhere.

Or is this another bug? Then I will send you and example as soon as I can reproduce it.

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Maybe, we’ll be able to know that ones this fix is out at least. :slight_smile:

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I’ve jut had this bug. Quitting the game completely (simply exiting to the main menu does not help), resolved the issue.

Yeah, we’ve found and patched the issue. Will be resolved in today’s update.

Edit: Should be out and fixed now as of beta 5.1-2! :slight_smile:


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