Staff not moving anymore

This seems to do the trick, thanks!!! :smiley:

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Looking through the discussion here and searching in the backlog, there’s definitely something going on and it’s indeed a critical issue. However, I’ve been trying to recreate this issue for the past hour without success, doing excessive reconstruction far away with complex paths, building, demolishing, and also building and demolishing security checkpoints without any success, it always works on my machine and my security staff do not disappoint regardless of how many weird instructions they have to follow. I am simply not interacting with the game the same way you peeps are which is probably why I can’t reproduce this issue… classic developer, lol.

Has anyone identified a situation where this issue always presents itself? It definitely seems to be related to construction.

Edit: Finally found the issue, any save and reload in quick succession seems to break multiple parts of the pathfinding system. We’ll provide a fix as soon as we’ve found the cause.


Does this also includes the breaks caused during the game when making some constructions?
The last two weeks I have never used the ingame reload but still, sometimes passengers get stuck after boarding desks on the way to remote busses.

If I let the game just run for several ingame days, I never get that issue. Only when I start to build stuff it can randomly happen somewhere.

Or is this another bug? Then I will send you and example as soon as I can reproduce it.

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Maybe, we’ll be able to know that ones this fix is out at least. :slight_smile:

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I’ve jut had this bug. Quitting the game completely (simply exiting to the main menu does not help), resolved the issue.

Yeah, we’ve found and patched the issue. Will be resolved in today’s update.

Edit: Should be out and fixed now as of beta 5.1-2! :slight_smile:


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