Taxiway routes/directions

I have some problems with the way finding of planes, they sometimes take weird ways, especially with multiple moving planes on the airfield. I built my airfield in a way that i have parallel taxiways so planes can go in both directions, but they dont use it that way. My idea would be to “draw” routes from the runway for every stand and then back to the runway it would help. Or more realistic, name the taxiways and create a route by the order the planes should take them.


Like so many other enhancements, I like this one. But, as with everything else I think it should be allowed to be semi-automated (by one of the board/executive staff we pay tons of money to) so we’re not just lost in the weeds of management minutiae.

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Routing an aircraft to a gate or runway is a task for the air traffic controller. I agree that the ATC at this moment isn’t great, but drawing routes for all aircraft is more an ATC game in stead of airport CEO. For bigger airports it becomes a big amount of work to lead all these aircraft. My airport has around 25 gates and more then 70 flights a day. I wouldn’t be able to be ATC and expand the airport, while also having to manage the staff and create a baggage system as well.
So again, I agree that ATC logic has to improve, but I’m not sure this is the way to do it.

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Your argument assumes all federal aviation authorities manage the areas the same; they do not. For example, in Canada the apron (or ramp) is under the CAA; in the US, it is local airport/airline control (Dispatch).

I agree that Tower/Approach/Departure is beyond the scope of the player; all they do is place it, but ground movements (taxiway to ramp) are something that the player designs, and should have the ability to control.


I think it’s meant like giving the taxiway nodes directions in which an airplane can pass. I know that this was mentioned in other threads, but it’s meant like one-way taxiways.


That would work too, like one way traffic. But i meant more like making a path. Not for each individual airplane but for individual stands. Of course a good working AI traffic control would wirk too but wigh the small developer team i dont know if that is possible. So i was thinking about a solution that could actuallg be a feature but still safe the developers work.

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At least the direction of the “Runway ahead” Node should affect pathfinding, I think.

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How do you use that with parallel runways left and right from the stand? Runways are assigned after pushback. I don’t want to manually assign every plane or stand to a specific runway. Or have planes circle the entire taxiway scenic route to a runway. Fastest route possible, the faster they are gone,the better.

I don’t meant to assign a specific runway to a stand, I’d rather have a one-way taxiway.

Still,if the runway is on the left but the taxiway is pointed towards the right, they would need to taxi all the way around. Thank god it’s not a Concorde then.

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So, why don’t build an intersection and two taxiways in opposite directions? I think, this should fix that problem.

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But there comes the problem i have right now that in both directions planes choose the shortest way and make the weirdes detours ( like in my game right now on thw taxiway that connects to the runway and then they have to turn around) once again, i agree that a good ground control AI would be the best, just not sure if possible for an indy project like that

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I only use a single taxiway to connect the stands and both runways ( with branches of extra stands) no parallel taxiways and I have zero problems. 50 planes come and go a day and only rarely one has to wait a couple of in-game minutes. (So seconds) Maybe the AI can’t handle complex taxiways that well.

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Runway ahead notes should influence path finding yes, and we should have an toggle; “taxi un runway - YES / NO”

Right now it gets very chaotic when planes try to enter taxiway and go out to runway. There should be one-direction taxiways for easier management and to reduce chaos and stockings.

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Just a better AI, one directions would be unrealistic. Next to that,if random events gonna occur on taxiways in the future, the whole airport would come to a halt if you can’t use alternative routing.

I use 1 runway to land. 1 to take off and route them separate so planes don’t have to wait on it each other for the ones that are leaving versus the ones coming.

1 way taxiways would solve the confusion.
When planes land from the east.
Then turn around on the runway to get to taxiway on the west.
So I readjusted the taxiway so they would be forced to exit the way they came in for a landing.
Then they decided to land from the east and turn around on the middle of the run way to exit the east

So I readjusted again and it added taxiways do both ends. Still happens but two days later they decide they still have to turn around and run all the way down the runway at slower than taxiway speed.
While in the meantime I have 5 to 10 planes waiting for the runway to take off. And my arrivals can’t land until the other planes are gone delaying every flight throughout the day

Two playing this coming directly at each other and stopping at different holding points until one passes through the other.

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