The elevators don't make sense [solved]

I can only make elevators go through two floors, I can’t make the same elevator go to a third floor. Why?


When you click on the built elevator, you can expand it up or down. Make sure the area on the level you want to add is free and marked with the same zone.


hey, I’m also having a problem, but its not floors, its the zone, I have 2 floors, 0 and 1, and the elevators go through them and have entrances there. But their zones are done with secure and int. both floors. But it says that some passengers may not use the elevators due to the zoning. Well, my domestic and int. passengers go through it well, so its not a big problem, but the sign is just kind of annoying.

A screenshot/save would be great!

Well, this is weird. Now my problems with zones are gone. Still, thank you for reaching out.


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Sometimes you need to do a save/reload to clear any persistent errors…

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