Time graph for shortage/surplus of each employee/vehicle type

Feature request title:

Time graph for shortage/surplus of each employee/vehicle type.


It would be good to have a graph of supply and demand for each vehicle/staff type to understand if shortages/surplus are temporary peaks or mostly constant.

It could be accessed as part of the Operations/Employee (vehicle) tasks, by clicking on the employee/vehicle type of interest (each in a line, currently in green/orange/red/grey) at the bottom of the screen.

On the x-axis we could have time.
On the y-axis we could have several lines:

  • Hired/Owned
  • Jobs claimed
  • Jobs available
  • Unproductive (= Hired - jobs claimed - ready to pick up a new job)
  • Surplus/Shortage

I added “unproductive” because I regularly come across situations of having enough hired staff, but still jobs available. Understanding if you have people resting too much, or commuting, stuck or something else(?) would be useful…

Why it should be implemented:

To better understand if you (really) need more or less vehicles or staff of a specific type.

To take calculated risks of having just below the absolutely necessary amount, if it only creates small problems every now and then.

The current feedback (the list with green/orange/red) is quite good, however only applies at the current time.
You either put it high speed and observe for a while to see if reds stay red for longer periods of time, or otherwise it is hard to know if investing in new staff and vehicles is really needed.

Examples of things you could read better from a graph:

  • temporary recurring problems (every morning you lack 4 security for 30min; every 2 hours you have a need for 1 more JetA1 trucks which only lasts for 1 minute…)
  • temporary/sudden one-off problems (bottleneck with some stuck baggage trucks)
  • permanent problems (constantly missing 4 security; always having way too many ramp agents sitting around doing nothing; never enough janitors…)
  • once every few days problems (lack of staff for less than an hour, if once in a while many flights are scheduled exactly at the same time)

I have just written the exact same request, then it told me there was a similar topic, so I have added my vote to this one instead :slight_smile:

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