Why can't we expand the airport to the left?

Forgive me if this has been discussed, I haven’t been on the forum in a while and I couldn’t find anything with a search.

Is there a technical limitation that is preventing more than four unlockable areas? I would much rather be able to expand in all directions rather than have to shape my airport to expand from the bottom left to the top right.

Good Point!
The starting area should be in the middle.

At the moment this is due to performance reasons: The game used to have 5 large regions you could unlock with save file editing. But people’s computers melted, so they toned it down somewhat :slight_smile:

Perhaps later on more regions might be added, i don’t know.

What i do know is that
a) performance has been addressed and has improved tremendously
b) There has been talk about being able to change the location of the starting road, which would be a solution for your question as well


I figured it would be performance-related, but I couldn’t think of a reason why opening up more space impacts performance. Surely it would only start to matter when objects are placed, in which case it would just come down to how much your computer can handle, which as you said now feels like the average computer could handle quite a lot more.

More space meant more possible paths to calculate. Besides, if players have the space, they will use it :slight_smile:

Makes sense I suppose. I never considered how the pathing algorithms worked, does it really just scan every tile, map out valid tiles and work out the shortest chain?

Dont know the inner workings of their code, but it used to build up a graph of every possible location. And any path request would use that graph. And a change (wall, pavement) would update that graph.

In the last performance update they made it a lot smarter, using chunks. This means they only traverse a few chunks to get the rough path before doing the final lookup.

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