Airport CEO Alpha 30 released

Humm I was ready to start my day with a new devlog but I guess it has been delayed (that can only mean release of new update is near right ? :stuck_out_tongue: )


Yep, short delay… :wink:

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Short delay, but more to see, I can’t wait to see the actual progress.

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Anyone have any idea about when DevBlog comes out? I know its today but what time?

Usually like 02:00am GMT


Main game seems to be getting neglected now, and branching off in various directions, the emphasis being on ‘various directions’, unfortunately.

The trouble with that approach is, one, it’s good for those who wish ‘new stuff’, but two, it means us ‘mortals’, who actually play a working copy, have to wait until they feedback the broken stuff to the Devs, which, then they become even less interested in whats going on in the main branch itself, because they are too pre-occupied with utter nonsense.

Yeah, Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say, but they are trying to build Italy in two :wink:

There is technically only 2 public branches and an internal branch for testing.

The transition from one to another usually isn’t that long.

There has not been an update to experimental for some time and I find that it is actually quiet stable most of the time after the first week of bug squishing so no real harm in coming over.

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I’ll answer.

The transition has been very long, lately, and numerous updates to internal, with very little on experimental. :wink:

I mod, so although I do have access to Internal, it really isn’t ideal, regardless of the gameplay, for me, but who cares about that?

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Hi guys, @Olof,

Is there any news for us? Any new release?

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There are multiple releases on internal every week. Catering, de-icing, localization and last algorithm phase of multiple floor is currently being tested on the internal branch. Cleaning is about to go in development after the next de-icing update and then we have some more work on the visual aspect of multiple floor. I won’t drop any estimated experimental release date yet but things are moving along nicely. Once everything start being deployed there’ll be a lot of new content to dig into! :slight_smile:


can’t we play on the internal branche then? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I would like to see the next step going online as well, but take your time :slight_smile:
I wonder, whether it would be possible to flesh out the airlines a bit so like some will sport bigger planes with more passengers requiring more services while others are budget ones and haul either big numbers with limited service like no catering or have small planes only and connect to small airfields. Like FLN which was more of an air taxi connecting mainland with an island so it only took fuel and check-up every other flight on return to mainland. Currently, the present ones play somewhat the same besides the fact that the tier two ones never spawn small planes and the tier one ones will get medium planes once we unlock the medium stands. I would like to see a bit of diversion - and maybe another livree or two :wink:


The idea of airlines feeling/playing more diverse is very appealing. I would like to see it done, at least in a final version of the game. :heart_eyes:


Been taking a little bit of a break from ACEO over last few months and much less active but keeping an eye on forums. I realised I found the game almost exactly 3 years to the day ago, back in the Pre forum days. what for me was so exciting for me then was how the Devs engaged with the community, allowing features such as GA to become key parts of the game.

When multiple floors was announced though, I was massively conflicted. On the one hand it is a huge technical feat and allows far more complicated airports it was also what the community wanted and I’m excited for Alpha 31. But I’m worried it wasn’t the optimal time for it. Looking at Steam, the reviews score doesn’t match the huge amount of features and effort from the incredibly talented devs. Multiple floors will inevitably and totally understandably be buggy to start and add potentially lots of extra complexity. I worry this could further drive away non-forum gamers.

I almost hope that for Alpha 32, the devs DON’T just ask the community, even though that would suit my interests. I hope they focus on making the game “easier” (more intuitive/ quality of life things, but not less complex). Things like; building Taxiways without building nodes, connecting baggage up more easily, or at least adding the option of separate baggage bays for loading planes and unloading plays to make system design easier, even an auto assign for linking desks with baggage bays.

I also hope that they begin to build and use the event system to start making running the airport as important as building it, which can make it feel more like a game as well as a simulator, which was one of the things the devs have always been aware of. I worry without those things in place, ACEO isn’t going to keep drawing in lots of new players to give it time to fully realise new features and become the exceptional game it has the devs and potential to be.
Just my 2 cents :slight_smile:


The in lnternal branch is used to test the latest features which are in the very very early stages of development and can potentially make the game unplayable due to the amount of bugs, the best version to play on if you want to test the new features in on the experimental version which has had some bug fixes to make the game playable thus msaning your experience of the game is much more enjoyable.

Hope this helps

Just a little note if you didn’t know, the content for Alpha 32 has been decided.

It was decided a while ago, but it will include the additions of Catering, DeIcing and Cleaning.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Catering and de-icing are being tested and cleaning is being developed by the Devs at the min according to a previous post

All three will he released together according to the devs so have to wait for all three services to be complete.

If that is the case then it could be a few weeks before a release is put out on the internal branch as cleaning is being worked on and is not released yet not even on the internal branch.

Yeah multiple floors will come first!