Airport CEO Alpha 31 released (The Multi-floor Update)

Anyone else having pax getting stuck issues? For me they get stuck right out of the secure exit. Also i’m getting 100’s of notifications a minute saying there’s no path but then it gets resolved immediately, yet everything is zoned properly? Anyone else seeing issues like these? Trying to report these bugs but the game tells me “Bug Reporting Failed”.


Can you make on on the jira?
On the site, click on create new wich’s symbol is a ‘+’ sign. (Top left )
It allows you to upload the files devs need to examine the bug. The files are listed on the form.

I’m having a problems with deleting the aircraft stands. The red square indicating removed stand remains even after rebuilding everything.

Did you make a bug report?

Yes I did, not from this situation but a similar one.

Should catering or cleaning be working on experimental? I can’t find it

No, not yet.

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Good evening fellow CEOs, here’s tonight’s update for the experimental branch! Currently being rolled out and should be available to you soon.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 31.1-1


  • [ACEO-13768] - Updated baggage belt arrows system and animation


  • [ACEO-13364] - Baggage arrows visible on incorrect floors
  • [ACEO-13510] - Conveyor belt doesn't properly connect with escalators
  • [ACEO-13552] - Construction overlay is not shown on second floor
  • [ACEO-13702] - Floor tile cleaning job tasks duplicate on load
  • [ACEO-13719] - Construction workers can get incorrectly teleported to bus stop
  • [ACEO-13733] - Roads connection indicators shown if paused
  • [ACEO-13760] - Game can on very rare occasions freeze when baggage is checked in
  • [ACEO-13767] - Game doesn't notify that third floor is not buildable
  • [ACEO-13783] - Cannot select room with a stand underneath
  • [ACEO-13785] - Demolition of small stand doesn't always work

Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, the improvement of baggage belt arrows is a new bug. Now it’s continuously sparkling (belt and the floor color) and animation doesn’t work at all. :frowning:


Are you on mac or Windows?

Sorry that didn’t specify. It’s Mac, Mojave 10.14.5

There seems to be a bug with some of our shaders and Mojave’s Metal… we’ll be taking a serious look at it tomorrow. Thanks for letting us know!

Hello, in the post I made some questions and I would like you to read that post to be able to guide me and give me advice. Thank you!

@Olof Regarding [ACEO-10338]
Some addition information to the case og stuck passengers and workers.

The savegame usually starts up fine at first. Then after some minuttes your noticing people starts to get stuck in exit security, bathrooms, stores etc… This also applies to 31.1.1 and started with 31.1.
When using debug, i notice the “Path Finding Stats” and the “Astar Queue” value starting around 4000 in my save. Then in about 30 seconds it works its way down to 0 and lays there for a while keeping between 0-100. Just when i notice people getting stuck the counter raises upwards. 50 a second. In seconds it passes 100 and going up. Seems like it stops processing or processes it very slowly. Pausing the game lets it work the queue down, but raises up again as soon as the game is on again.




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I have the same issue here, as soon as the number reaches 5000, all humans in the airport stop moving.
Update : it looks like it only happens while i’m performing construction, when the airport is functioning normally, now issues.
Update 2 : Actually, constructions only trigger the issue faster.


I got the same issue as well

I updated to 31.1.0 when it got released and my mods all worked fine. I just got some free time after work today, and updated to 31.1-1 for some stability and the conveyor belt fixes. However it seems like 31.1-1 has broken steam workshop support. Is this just me, or anyone else having issues?

I updated as well, and I still have Steam Workshop items in game. So support is there.

I figured it out, it automatically disabled all of my mods for some reason, had to delete my settings.json and reenable and all are working now.

Multiple floor pathfinding is by nature slower than the previous single floor version. It is a lot more complex which requires more CPU time. I suspect something with construction blocks the thread causing all other path requests to stall. Because contractors are more or less free to go anywhere on the map, whereas passenger and staff only are allowed in the terminal, it exponentially increases contractors pathfinding times. We will see what we can do but the solution might be to create a separate contractor pathfinding system since it is so different and requires more overhead.