Airport CEO Alpha 34 released (The R&D Update)

I can. Not flightplanner issues, but pax/staff issues… :wink:

At my huge airport I can observe this very well.
With normal speed, it’s running smoothly, rating 90-95%, as soon as I speed up in any way, soon staff behaviour goes completely mad and very strange pax behaviour occurs, up to no pax coming to my airport any more.


In my savegame which is attached to the bug report mentioned it is definitely dependant to game speed. Was playing on normal speed for many days, auto planner worked normally, no delays, all passengers boarding.
Then changed to double speed and let it run for about 15-20 real time minutes, got a complete mess with overlapping flights and people not checking in (which is probably because check in counters were not enough for “double flights”).
I didn’t adjust anything manually, just changed back to normal speed and waited for a while. Everything went back to normal. Of course it still took one ingame week to get rid of all the double planned flights and delays because everything already planned won’t fix itself.

Might try again tonight if I find time.


Very interesting, we will have a look at it tomorrow when Fredrik is here.


@Olof I could reproduce it and got some more interesting information - even captured it on video… :wink:

About 16 minutes after setting speed from normal to double the issue occured and I could watch it happen live in flight planner. What’s interesting: Those overlaying flights are scheduled in the past of the current day.
I still had free slots on other days, so it’s not an “overflow” when all slots are full.
Here you can see two minutes with 4 flights in total being scheduled wrong:

Hope this helps for analyzing, at least it more clear now for me knowing that the overlays are happening “in the past”.


It sure does! Thank you very much. Will be looked at first thing tomorrow!

Had an issue with no passengers checking in. They arrive by subway then walk straight into the subway and leave, arriving passengers are fine. (ACEO-23300)

We’ve been able to reproduce it! Finally… now time for a fix… :wink:


@Gerwanese & @Olof Great collaboration!


Pretty sure we have a fix for it now, the airport I run on 34.6-0 get overlapping flights but the same airport on 34.6-1 do not. Will verify a bit more and then push a version! :slight_smile:


Good job, can’t wait to try!

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Awesome many thanks

Not sure if it’s intended behaviour or a bug, but copying with the template tool is a bit annoying when short on money:

It will only show the price for one element - and also only show the structure red if my money is not enough for one element. In this case it’s shown green and I can place the structure but it will only build 15 elements of conveyor belt and not the rest. So only after placing it I’ll discover that I didn’t have enough money and some parts are missing.

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Alpha 34.6-1 rolling out now on the experimental branch with two small fixes, where one of them hopefully is a fix for the speed overlap issue:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 34.6-1


  • [ACEO-23010] - Rich text markup errors showing in some languages
  • [ACEO-23259] - Flights can in higher game speed settings overlap when using auto-planner

Now that you brought up the topic, is there a chance to become possible to manually assign flights that start before midnight and end after? Only auto assignment can do this.

Sorry if this was discussed earlier, i’ve been away for a long time now, so i may be outdated


This is needed, indeed.

@Olof, still seeing the same issue regarding ULD trucks leaving too much spacing behind them: [ACEO-20398]

Both things we’d likely look at in the beta stage.

I’m assuming that the overlapping fix worked? Have seen no additional reports on it and we can no longer recreate it ourselves.

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Couldn’t try again yesterday, but on Wednesday night I let it run for several hours with double and triple speeds. No overlapping occured for me after the update.

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Pretty sure it’s fixed then! :slight_smile:

BTW, i noticed that when having more then one take of/ landing runway , the usage of both Runways has gotten way more balanced. Kodos on that one :+1:

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